
Monday, November 1, 2010

Josh's Football Season

For those of you that know my Joshua, you know he loves sports, especially football! It is so neat to see how God gives him the desires of his heart. Since we have a homebase here in Fort Myers for the next couple of months, Patrick stopped in and talked to Bro. Booher (He's the pastor at Emmanuel Baptist church here in Fort Myers). Bro. Booher was excited to have Josh join the boys flag football team for the christian school, even if it was just for half the season. To say Josh was excited is an extreme understatement. He was thrilled! He studied the plays so hard and was so excited to play.
As excited as Josh was, I think Patrick was just as excited, and proud to have Josh play. He paced through most of the games and loved watching his boy play. What a good Daddy!

Josh had plenty of a cheering section for his games. It was so nice of our familky to come out and support him.

For the first couple of games Joshua didn't play much offense because he didn't know the plays. Bro. Booher was so patient and encouraging to teach Josh the plays on the sidelines. We're so thankful for him and the example he set for our son. Bro. Booher was a great coach, that truly loved the boys.

I do have to boy did great! He pulled lots of flags.

Logan loved watching Josh and was very interested in the game.

Silas loved running around and keeping us busy chasing him!

Joshua gave every game his all and with determination.

For his homecoming game, we all wore Maroon shirts for the Emmanuel Eagles.

There were 27 friends and family members who came out to show their support for Joshua and to enjoy a good game. Thanks guys, that was so sweet and such an encouragement!

When Josh scored a touchdown (Yay!) our section of the stands erupted in cheers. Thanks, Keela, for videoing! You did get that touchdown, right? :o)

Callie Grace, of course, got lots of attention, too!

I'm so thankful Joshua was able to play and enjoy half of the season!

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