
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Happy Birthday, Silas Boone!

Today was my Silas Boone's 2nd Birthday. Wow! How time flies! We had such a great day, but I'll post more on that soon.
I'm so thankful for my little guy. His new thing is to give kisses. He likes to make the pucker sound. Soo adorable, I could eat him up! Then he says, "Daddy kiss" and runs and gives his Daddy a kiss, too.
He's talking so much, now and loves to repeat. He loves to be read to, and to look at books himself. He still points out all of the animals and the sounds they make. He loves horses and guys that wear hats...especially cowboy hats! My sweet, busy little guy is really growing up. Last night as I sang to him before laying him down, he just hugged me right back and cuddled up on my shoulder. I loved every minute.
I love you, my Silas Boone! I pray that one day you'll give your heart to Jesus. He'll give you true joy as you serve Him!


  1. I can't believe he's 2 already. Time flies. It seems like yesterday we were driving/flying to the birthing center.
    He is such a happy, active and curious two year old. And I love spending time with him. His smiles just make my day.
    Love you Silas Boone. Don't grow up too fast.

  2. Saw your husband at meeting in Flordia. Wish you could have been there too, even though it was a mens conference. I know you are a busy mom. Bless you. Maybe next time! Gail
