
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Just a Thought

This morning as I was reading in my Bible, God gave me a little thought to ponder. He always gives me exactly what I need! I thought I would share it with you...

I'm always wondering about the next step, planning for the future, making my lists of goals (Is this a woman thing?). I KNOW God will provide for us. He always takes care of us. But, sometimes I wonder, "How is the Lord going to do it this time? How is He possibly going to meet this need?" Then, I began to think about the way it could happen. Maybe sometimes I even suggest to the Lord how He could do this thing for me. (Am I the only one who does this?) The Lord needing my help and suggestions? Pretty silly, huh?

Well, I read of another person with this same problem....Moses. In Numbers 11:18-23, then in 31-33 I read of the children of Isreal that began to complain and be sick of eating manna. Then, God told Moses He was going to provide meat for them to eat. They wouldn't just eat it one day, or two, but meat for a whole month until they were sick of it! Moses began to look around at the people. He noticed there were a bunch of them! Then, he began to wonder where all this meat was going to come from?! He asked God, are we going to have to kill all of our herds and flocks? Or are all the fish of the sea going to be gathered for them?

I love God's response! In verse 23 God answers Moses. "Is the Lord's hands waxed short?"

Hmm. That really pricked at my heart. I have some upcoming needs that I've posted about. I love to wonder and think of ways the Lord is going to provide. Then, sometimes I look at all of the circumstances and wonder "How is all of this going to work?" I need to remember, God's hand is still as strong as ever. He can and will provide for my every need. It's fun to dream and plan, but I need to remember God always provides, and it may just be in way I don't realize.

Patrick and I have been quoting this verse back and forth to one another during our whole "move to the mission field" time. Jeremiah 33:3 " Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not." I'm so looking forward to seeing God provide and being able to see His mighty hand working for me!

1 comment:

  1. I do the same thing!! I always give God my "grand ideas" and then He shows me the best idea of all - His idea. Thank you for the great reminder!! I needed it!
