
Monday, March 28, 2011

How We Travel

When we were on deputation, before language school, we traveled in our Motor Home. Ahh! I loved motor home life! Now, as we're back on the road for a bit again, it's a little different. Our van is our motor home! We've actually got the packing-repacking-and repacking again stuff down to a science. As we unpacked our stuff this morning (we just arrived back at Patrick's Mom's house after a Mission's conference in Bradenton) we accomplished so much in record time! We have a pretty good routine down as we travel to our meetings. Sometimes I drive...or I guess I should say rarely. Patrick prefers to be the "pilot" on most of our trips. I'm thankful for my hubby that is very safe and protective of us while we drive. He's an excellent driver, but he gets us there in a good time too. Usually this is his time to sit and think, or it's mine and his time to talk. I didn't get a picture of Josh, but this is usually his time to do school, and then when he's done he usually listens to a sermon that he's downloaded onto his MP3 player. We usually try to leave during Silas and Callie's naptime. They sleep very well in the van. Do you like the new "Paper Towel Pillow"? We accidently packed Silas's pillow. :o(
Sweet, content Callie Grace sleeps well, too.
Elisabeth usually does school, but the minute she's done she'll be reading her latest book.

Brenna is supposed to do school while we drive, but she gets sooo sleepy! So, this is always her power nap time!

As for me, I have a variety of things I do while we drive. IF I have a full tummy I read or do a craft (I get carsick if I'm the least bit hungry!) Or I sing a-long with Patrick, or we dream together, or I tend to fall asleep a little like my Brenna does!

So, that's what we've been up to lately. Lots of on the road time. I love being busy! Being on the road means that we've had meetings! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pillow idea...will have to remember that one for when we are back in the states. Would love to hear more how you live on the road as I'm sure it will come in handy. :)
