
Friday, April 15, 2011


This week has been a little bit of an emotional roller coaster ride for me. We've been so busy packing and trying to squeeze in lots of time with family, too. It's a really strange feeling knowing you are going to really miss you family (Dad, Mom, sisters, grandparents, nieces, nephews, etc. etc) but at the same time being very ready to get to your new home. I met a new missionary-blog-friend about a month ago and I love what she just wrote on her blog. She talked about the "spot" where you are supposed to be. Even though I'm going to miss my family terribly, I truly can't wait to get to my "spot!" I've been looking this week (over and over!) at the pictures we just received of our house after the renters have moved out and after the landlord did some "fixing up". Well, look what picture we saw!

Talk about one happy Momma! We did not realize there is a play house right in our yard!

Before we surrendered to the mission field, I asked a friend of mine that is a missionary to the Philippines, "How do you do it? How do you stay away (far away, across the sea) from your family, and not see them for long periods of time?" Even though I've lived away from home for most of my married life, the thought of living "across the sea" was, at the time, unbearable. I love her answer! She said the only way to explain it is that God gives you grace. It never gets easier, necessarily, but God will give you grace to not miss your family constantly. God gives you grace to make your "spot" home. And it's so true! Our family is getting so thrilled and excited to get to the place where God has called us. It's coming soon!


  1. I am so excited for you and your family. There are days when I miss my family, but inside there is such a peace and joy that makes me so happy to be exactly where God wants me. My parents are missionaries too on the other side of the world, and for me there is something so special about "giving up each other" for the same cause--serving Jesus. Heaven will be all the sweeter!
