
Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Mother's Day 2011

I know I'm very behind in posting, but we still have no phone here, so I can only post when we go to Mariane's. 4 days after we arrived here, it was Mother's Day. My family is so sweet and thoughtful, and they treat me so well! First thing in the morning, they all lined up on the wall (they looked a little suspicous!) and then they brought me their cards and gifts. It was so sweet!

Elisabeth made me this beautiful blue bracelet. She's starting to get into beading and having a great time with it! I love the benefits of her hobby!

I received several wonderful gifts, but some of my most prized possessions are the thoughtful cards and notes. Praise God for such a wonderful family!


  1. So precious. Mothering is so fulfilling, isn't it?

  2. Sure enjoyed the glimpse into your life.
    Hope the phone comes soon.
    Everything looks so pretty and peaceful at your house!
    Love, Aunt Florence and Uncle Chuck
