
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Great News!

I have wonderful news to share about several different things!

First of all, thank you everyone for praying about our French Paperwork/Passport situation. We heard yesterday from the Authorities in St. Martin that we will be able to stay another 3 months! Yay! The only catch is that we must leave the country for a day, before July 26th and have our passports stamped. Hey, A family vacation for a day sounds great to me! So, thank you so much for praying! God is so good and faithful! Our paperwork still must come in, though. So, please don't forget to pray for it to come before October 26th.

Another huge praise! Patrick was able to lead a man named Edmund to the Lord last week! He had been visiting him every week since we've arrived. Edmund is not in good health and has been homebound for some time. He's been very open to the gospel and last Saturday he told Patrick he's been asking God what he must do to go to heaven. Patrick was excited to share with him the answer! Praise the Lord!

We've been settling in very well and feel like we are "home". I'm so thankful for that feeling. Still no internet, or home phone. The lady in the office said maybe by the end of summer. hhmmm. I'm so behind on my posting and have so many wonderful pictures to share! Here's a fun one of my Callie Grace. She likes the dirt, just a little! She's such a mess!

I thank the Lord for his goodness to our family. He's so good to us and truly never fails!


  1. Praise the Lord!!! That is awesome news! So happy to hear about Edmund! We will continue to pray!
