
Friday, October 14, 2011

My Endless Saga

It feels like the 2 main things I've posted on since I've been in St. Barths are:

phone line



Well, here I go again!

Phone Line: We have an actual date, with an hour attatched to it, that we're supposed to have a phone line and internet. The big date? November 3rd. That's right...6 months to the date that we were supposed to have it hooked up!

Paperwork: Oh, the dreaded word! Patrick and I are very thankful the Lord is in control of this situation. We feel somewhat helpless concerning the never-ending-paperwork-drama in our lives. But, that's okay, the Lord knows what He is doing. Our 6 month date is quickly approaching of being on the field. Patrick and Silas are officially French Citizens, with hopefully Josh being finished within the month. HHhhmm, it looks like just us girls have the problem! October 22nd I will fly back to Florida (with Elisabeth, Silas, and Callie) and order a new American passport with extra pages, and then make an appointment in Miami to try and get a Long term Visa for me. None of our children are eligible for one since their father is french. So, I'm not exactly sure how long I will be gone from Patrick, Josh, and Brenna. I'm looking forward to seeing some of my family, but I'm not wanting to be gone from my 3 for too long. Pray for me! Pray for my Visa appointment at the Consolate to go very well and smoothly. I have to admit, I'm a little nervous, but thank God, He's in control!

Now, for some super exciting news! My parents are coming for a visit!! Yay! We are completely thrilled, to put it mildly! They will spend a week with us, then fly back with me to Florida. It's going to be so much fun to be with them and they have some Grandkids that are wanting to spend some time with them!

So, this is the last posting for me for a week and a half while I get spoiled by my Mom and Dad!

My plan is to really get caught up on my blog while I'm in Florida. I'll be in Internet-Land! I'm still behind by about 3 months, and so many exciting things have happened that I want on my online journal.

So, until then...Keep trusting the Lord! He'll never fail you!


  1. have a great time with your parents and a safe flight

  2. I'm praying that you will get out of your paperwork blues soon, but God knows what He's doing, and He is over all!

  3. Beautiful picture! Excited that you have your parents visiting for a little while and will be praying for your paperwork and internet.
