
Sunday, October 30, 2011

Our Date Night...almost

Patrick and I love time to be together not neccesarily as "Mommy and Daddy" but, as Patrick and Kami...Husband and Wife. Sometimes that always doesn't happen as easily and as often as we like. Over our 17 years of marriage we've learned to be creative in our time "alone" and to just enjoy every moment in this wonderful famiy that God has given to us!

We had a great day night! It seems like our dates usually revolve around food, but that's okay...we love our food! We had steaks (with A1 yay!) Baked Potatoes with Sour Cream and Green Beans. It was a feast! I love setting the table and setting a romantic mood. We moved the table at an angle where we could see the TV and watched a Hallmark movie while eating our delicious food. It was so sweet!

Notice our super neat Red Robin glasses? Patrick bought me those for Christmas to be used only for us two on our dates. Love this idea!

I'm not sure if I should mention this, but we fed the kiddos early before our date and put the younger two to bed. The older three were in the living room watching the movie with us, but we couldn't see them and they couldn't see it was like we were alone! :o)


  1. Love your creativity there. I'll have to file that idea in the back of my mind to use someday.

  2. I finally have internet and a bit of time and came over here to your blog! :) I love this post! :) Daniel and I do date night like this too. While we were in NY last month staying at the guest house at the church there, he put on a video for the children in the living room and then he cooked me steaks, green beans, and potatoes with sour cream and set up the table in the dining room which has a curtain hanging to close it off from the kitchen/rest of the house and we had a quiet supper together just the 2 of us. :) And it was soooo sweet that Daniel cooked everything. He doesn't do that too often, so when he does, it's so special!
    I'll add your blog to my favorites list :)
