
Monday, November 28, 2011

Potty Training Update

I know you're dying to know how my day went potty training my Silas, so I thought I'd tell! :o)

As of 7:30pm the M&M jar was completely full (if you don't count the 3 (or maybe it was more like 4) M&M's that I took for comfort's sake.) So, that meant no success, yet. :o( While one of our older kiddos was showering they brought the potty out to the living room so they could have a few private minutes without having a little brother coming in constantly to "try." Callie saw the potty, took off her diaper, and......went pee pee! Can you believe it!? Not exactly the result we were hoping for! (Callie is 18 months, and I decided I'm just not ready for her to be potty trained!) Patrick and I looked at each other and thought, "Oh no! Poor Silas has been "trying" all day!" We quietly gave Callie her earned M&M hoping Silas wouldn't notice. No such luck, the poor thing was bewildered! Then, not to be outdone, he finally went pee! Yipee!! Okay, so it was just a tablespoonful, but it was there! We cheered and clapped and he enjoyed his candy! Then, sat back down again and went another teeny bit....we cheered, dished out candy, then he went again....we cheered, dished out candy...This happened 13 times! Now, we realize we should have went with a sticker chart! Wow! We'll be able to say our kid is potty trained, but all teeth are rotten! They say no two children are alike. That's definitely true! It figures my Silas, lover of anything with sugar, would figure out how to get the most chocolate out of this situation! The good news is that on #14 time (this all happened within 10 minutes) he also went poo! Double yipee! and double M&Ms unfortunately. We'll see how tomorrow goes! I have to run to the store for more candy!


  1. Dad and I are cracking up as we read this. the update. :-)

    p.s. I told you Callie was ready.

  2. This is hysterical!!Keep us posted!!

  3. I was so amused when I read this that I shared it with my mom and sibs. I told my younger brother (who is in college) he should take this in to use as an example for his psychology class! :) It's always interesting to hear what's going on around your home. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Too cute! We Mamas can certainly appreciate posts like this one! :-)

  5. I know the feeling. I am trying to potty train my two-year old. He still has failed to get the poo in the potty. Definitely going to go get M&Ms today.
