
Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Good Break

December has been super busy so far...especially for my older 3! After looking at our schooling, we decided we needed to hit school a little harder. You see we have this special little someone coming in April! :o) We've also been busy practicing our Christmas Carols and making gifts for when we go. Also they're doing all of the normal things that their sweet Momma (or as Brenna says, lovingly of course,"The Slave Task Master") makes them do. (chores, piano practice, violin practice, etc. etc.) We decided they needed to get out and get active for a bit. There is a hill downtown that we've been wanting to climb. So, what better time than after school? It was just Josh, Beth, Brenna and I. As we climbed the steps, I noticed Beth running circles around me. I think I'm a little out of shape!

At the top the view is amazing! On one side you can see the mountains and Shell Beach. Ohhhh, I love that beach! You can also see some smaller sailboats anchored out with their owners swimmng and snorkeling around them. On another side you can see the gorgeous harbor. The huge Yachts have started to arrive for Christmas and they are unbelievable! Then, on another side you can catch the sunset. It was amazing, marvelous....I love sunsets, they really are indescribable!

Okay, before you look at this next picture, I want you to click here

and scroll down to picture #14. Does my Josh look like my Dad or what?

I love my time with my kiddos! And it was just the thing they needed. (and me too.)

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