
Friday, January 6, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Silas Boone!

We have had a great day celebrating Silas's 3rd birthday! We started off the morning in traditional Gimenez fashion....with gifts! He was so excited to open them and was thrilled when he opened a huge stuffed Clifford.
Then, he opened the book! Can you see by the look on his face how excited he is? Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!

He's had so much fun playing with all of his gifts. Patrick and I bought him this rug to play with his cars on. He loves it....and I think his brother and sisters do too!
Then, I made some homemade donuts for breakfast.
You have to start breakfast morning with lots of sugar, right?

The truth is, I don't think he knows what a donut is! The only ones we've had here was from the bakery when my parents were visiting. They were just a tad old. Well, more than a tad, they were rock hard! Remember those, Dad?
Then, after lunch it was time for cake. Silas had been looking forward to cake all day, but when he saw the dinosaurs Beth and Brenna put all over the cake they made him, he wanted to play instead!

Little Miss Callie wasn't in the mood to play, she was ready to eat!

Happy Birthday, my Silas Boone! I can't believe you're already 3! You're such a smart and sweet boy. This morning you came and laid down with me. It was such a sweet moment. Here's our conversation:

Silas: This is my Mommy (with a cuddly hug)
Me: And this is my Silas (hug back and cherish this sweet moment)
Me: I sure do love my boy.
Silas: And I love my children!

Can you tell he listens and memorizes everything I say! It's a scary thought! Oh how I want to raise this boy for the Lord! I sure do love my boy.


  1. Happy 3rd Birthday Silas!!
    How can he be 3 already?..and I still chuckle when I remember what he told me the last day he was in the kids S.S.class..remember?when I asked him if he needed to use the bathroom..he's a cutie..Have a Blessed weekend!! He was so

  2. Happy Birthday, cutie!

    My boys saw his name and said, "Cool, he must be related to Daniel Boone!"


  3. Happy Birthday Silas!!!! I can't believe you are 3 years old already. I love how active you are and so interested in everything you do. I wish I had your energy. Love your smiles in the photos....such a cutie. Can't wait for you to come to my house. Love and miss you Silas,
    Love, Grandma
    don't grow up too fast
