
Friday, February 3, 2012

Whatcha Readin'?

My blogging/missionary friend Susan in Vancouver posted that she is joining another blogger in a challenge to read some books by Laura Ingalls Wilder. I was excited when I saw this! I've only read here and there of the Little House series (Love love love the shows, though!), but my Beth just finished the whole series and said that I just had to read them. So, when I saw her post I thought, I'll join, too!
I'm defnitely in the stage of my pregnancy where it's time to put my feet up a little more. My calves are starting to swell some, just like when I was expecting Callie. (not a pretty sight!) So, I thought I'd share with you exactly what I'm reading. Then, I'll do a Book Review! (this is something I've wanted to add to my blog for a while!) So, here's what's on my nightstand!

First off, the Laura Ingalls Wilder Book, Little House in the Big Woods. I'm actually wanting to read the first 3 this series this month. Here's a link to the challenge I'm joining, in case you want to join, too!

My next book is one I bought for my girls for Christmas. It's by Elizabeth George titled, A Young Woman After God's Own Heart. I read her book for woman and loved it, so when I spotted this book in St. Martin, I thought it would be a perfect book to do with my girls a chapter at a time. Our goal is to have Thursday discussion times. Next is Romance in Marriage, Keeping the Flame Alive by Bob and JoBeth Hooker. I've already read parts of this about 3 years ago, but I want to reread those parts and finish it. From what I've read this is an excellent book! The Hookers are the cutest couple! (I also love their daughters CD, it's one of our favorites!) As a side note, this is definitely a book for married eyes only. This is another book I picked up in St. Martin called Draw Close by the Harley's. He is the author of His Needs, Her Needs and I love that book! I bought this for Patrick and I to do as a devotional far we've done chapter one.

And then I want to reread Child Wise. It's been a while since I read it! I love the "On Becoming" series by the Ezzo/Bucknam team. BabyWise was given to me at my shower when I was expecting Joshua. It has so many good points. It's definitely one of those books you probably won't do all that it says, and you may not agree with every point, but there are so many excellent principles for raising your children.

So, that's what is on my nightstand for the month. How about you? I would love to know what you're reading!


  1. Yay! I'm so glad to have you join the LIW challenge! I'm about halfway through the first book and enjoying it so much. There are so many things to notice as an adult that I think children may miss when they read the books.

    I'm also reading Off Script, by Bro. Cary Schmidt, the youth director at Lancaster Baptist, where my children are in college. He just went through a one-year battle with cancer, and the book is his account of the things he learned through that ordeal. And I'm sort of reading a book called the Portion Teller, which emphasizes the importance of eating proper portion sizes of foods. Great help for a diabetic!

  2. I've just read Baby Wise because someone gave it to me. It sure does have a lot of good points in it that I am trying with Brina. Seems to be helping somewhat with a schedule for us.

  3. I am doing Elizabeth George's "A Woman Who Reflects the Heart of Jesus." It is very challenging and convicting. I loved Laura Ingalls book and will go check out the challenge. Blessings!

    1. I've never heard of that one by her, but I've loved everything she's written that I have read! Let me know how you like it!

  4. I'm so glad to have you join us for the LIW challenge! I'm having so much fun with it already.

    I don't have any girls, so I haven't read that book by E. George, but I've enjoyed others by her.
