
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Elisabeth's 14th Birthday

Today was my Elisabeth's 14th Birthday. We had a great day! We woke up sort of early and headed out to the beach to take her birthday pictures. She's such a fun person to take photos of! What a beautiful girl I have! Then, we enjoyed a lazy day at home with lots of games to play and Little House on the Prairie to watch.

After dinner we all enjoyed the birthday "cake" that she requested....Cheesecake with a Chocolate Mousse topping. Oh La La! It was delicious! Then, after the two little ones were in bed, Patrick, Elisabeth and I headed out with 3 ice creams and 3 spoons. We went to Grand Fond (a beach nearby.) This is the perfect place to see thousands of stars and listen to the ocean. We loved this time with our dear girl. And I realized (again) that life is truly a vapor. My baby is 14! (sniff, sniff)

14 years old is sort of a milestone birthday for our girls. First off our girls are allowed to wear blush and lipstick. (or as Brenna puts it, "lipstick on a stick") (12 is lipgloss and 13 is tinted lipgloss) We made these "Makeup Milestones" several years ago and the girls are truly loving and looking forward to them. I want to teach my girls the importance of having to wait for some things. It's good for them to know they can't do all the "grownup" things right away. I also want them to be ladies and girly, but still look natural and Godly at the same time. For Brenna's gift to Beth she bought her the blush. We had so much fun picking out the color! Then, Beth and I had a great time as I taught her how to apply it naturally. I love having girls!

The other more major milestone is that this is the year our girls receive their Promise Ring. We've taught our children the importance and blessings of staying pure until they are married. I've discussed specifis with our girls and shared with them what the Bible has to say. So, when they turn 14 and if they are willing to, they make a promise to God, as well as to Patrick and I to stay completely pure until they are married. The ring is to be worn as a reminder and a symbol of their promise.

Patrick and Beth have had a great time the past few months looking on the internet at rings. She's leaning towards a ruby or an amethyst. When we arrive in Florida Patrick and my Elisabeth will have a special date night out for dinner and shopping for a ring.

I watched them today look at rings again. I love how Patrick joked and talked and oohed and awed with her about the different rings they saw online. He's doing such a good job being a Dad to a teenager. She loves her time with her Daddy!

I'm so proud of my Elisabeth. She's a Godly young lady that is such a great big sis. She's diligent and faithful. Thank you Lord for my girl!


  1. Beautiful pictures! Happy Birthday, Elizabeth! Your family reminds me so much of mine growing up. I also had to wait for those things--makeup, earrings, and I got a promise ring at 13 or 14 too. It meant so much to me to give it to my husband when we got married. He still has it.

  2. WOW!!! Elisabeth, when did you grow up so fast?? I'll never forget the day you were born. I was planning on attending your birth but YOU decided to come early. I arrived that evening and you were sooo cute and now growing up to a beautiful young lady. I love you. Can't wait to see you. We'll have a birthday party for you when you get here. Love and miss you,
    Love, Grandma

  3. Belated Birthday wishes to you Elizabeth! You wrote our family in Nigeria about 5 years ago (and even sent us some money!). What a joy it is to go through your mother's blog and see you doing so well now. We would love to hear from you again sometime. Please visit our blog, find us on facebook (markandsabrina), or email us: holmesfaith(at)
    It was a great blessing to us that you have such a heart for missions and wanted to get in touch with us. I met your family for the first time when your father was the bus dir. at Central in Hattiesburg. I pray that you keep the same sweet spirit that I was introduced to through your letters. God bless!
