
Friday, March 30, 2012

Little of this and a little of that!

Stilll here, still pregnant. Which is a good thing! Patrick, Elisabeth and Brenna arrive in 4 days and the baby is not quite ready to come yet! Yay! We're enjoying our time here, except for the mini-cold three of us have down with. It's really going around our church, so it's not surprising that we're getting it,too. We find that when we're gone from Fort Myers for a length of time, that when we come back our immunity isn't built up to flus and colds. We seem very susceptible! As I felt a sore throat coming on and Silas became stuffy, I bought some chewable Vitamin C. Silas and Callie are so excited evertime I announce it's Vitamin Time! Josh on the other hand....not so much. I feel like we may have caught this bug in time and we are all feeling a little better. I had my midwife appointment yesterday and things are looking great. Baby could come tonight or in 4 weeks, who knows!? I just pray it will wait until at least Tuesday night when the rest of our family arrives! We did learn that the baby is posterior just like my Silas was. That makes for a no-fun-at-all labor! (Like there are any fun labors, but the back labor was absolutely horrid!) So, I've been reading up this morning on how to get this baby turn! I told Josh to not laugh at me today. He might find me doing some crazy things to get this baby to move right! When I told him that I will be crawling for at least 2 hours today, that's when he thought for sure I've lost it and called his Dad!

Josh has enjoyed balancing family time/working/school/ and friend time. He's taking advantage of every available minute. My Dad let him convert his Shed into a perfect place for a guys night. Last week he and Noah played games and ate pizza until 4am. Tonight there is another guys night planned and Josh is thrilled! I'm thankful the Lord has given him some friends that are a good influence on him and that like to have fun. When I went out to check on them at 3am the other morning, I could heare their laughter and I just had to smile. Thank you Lord!


  1. Great pictures! Glad ya'll are having fun! Hope that baby turns. Brina was posterior for a while too. Then she turned before I went into labor.

  2. Your prayer letter was on the back of our bulliten today here at Crossroads in MO!
