
Thursday, March 22, 2012

We made it!

Thank you to everyone who prayed for safe travels for us. We made it to Florida! We had a great trip. It was memorable! As we walked out to our plane in St. Barths Silas said he wanted his Daddy and wanted to go home. But, then in the next sentence he was excited to get on an airplane. He had lots of mixed emotions that day! When we hit a little turbulence in our St. Barths plane (12 seater including the pilot) he wanted to know if we were going to fall off! We arrived to Mom and Dad's about 1am with my Dad waiting to hug us all. It was great! We've had a whirlwind of activity since we.'ve arrived, and I'm looking forward to today to just relax. Silas and Callie are enjoying Grandma's big bathtub!

The top food on Josh's priority list for our trip was to eat a Heberito (I have no idea how to spell that!) His Uncle William and Aunt Keela (my sister) brought him one for our first dinner there. He was thrilled to put it mildly! (And Patrick is a little jealous!)

Silas and Callie have been introduced to popsicles on a stick and they are loving them!

We have had some great appointments the past couple of days. Josh got some much needed glasses (he looks so handsome...I'll post more on that soon!), Silas and Callie had great checkups at their Pediatrician (poor Callie had 4 shots. Her little thigh is red, warm, and swollen this morning. Silas had his finger poked. When the nurse was all done he looked at me and said, "She hurt my finger!!!") and yesterday I met with my midwife. Things are looking great for the baby!
I praise the Lord for providing for us and working on our behalf. Everyday He has his hand clearly on us and I'm so thankful!


  1. It's about time you posted, I was wondering what was happening with my family ;0)

    Keep the pics coming, take one of Josh so I can see him with his glasses...I couldn't see to clearly on skype.

    Love you!

  2. I'm happy you arrived safely and everything is going well! Can't wait to hear about that little one's arrival!

    1. Praise God for your safe trip! I'm so happy to see you're having fun family time in between all you have to get accomplished while you're there.
