
Thursday, March 1, 2012

We're back!

Thank you to all who prayed for us during our trip to St. Martin. Patrick and I had a great time together and enjoyed our mini babymoon. (My Mom and sister Keela called it that!) Our hotel was clean. Yay! and we enjoyed some fun foods, and we laughed and talked and had a great time just the two of us. We had a great time driving around St. Martin and buying foods at the huge grocery store that we knew our kids would enjoy (Captain Crunch, Poptarts and Otis Spunkmeyer Muffins! We were almost jumping up and down in the store when we saw those!) And.....I passed my medical exam! double yay!! The visit went well, and I now have a paper stamped that I've passed this portion of the visa qualifications. Now, it's on to the next step! (not exactly sure what that is yet!)

When we unpacked our suitcase full of snacky/breakfasty foods Josh said he never realized how much he took for granted. In the USA, Captain Crunch (which was a cereal he always passed on), Chips ahoy, and Poptarts were a weekly experience. You just expect to be able to have those. But, when you live in a place where you can't get the convenience foods your used to, you realize how special those things can be and you really enjoy them. You also learn that you can live without them,too.
We heard in a message the otherday that "Gratitude produces Contentment" My kiddos have become thankful for things they would have normally taken for granted, and in that process they've truly become content. They are enjoying the extra special blessings that God gives them and not overlooking them as "just another day". What a blessing!


  1. I'm so glad that you had an enjoyable babymoon (I love that!) and that you passed your exam. As I read your blog posts I'm often reminded to be thankful for all that I have here in the states, especially basic things like water, which are so easy to take for granted when you have plenty.

    Today God provided fresh watermelon for me, which is a treat I wouldn't be able to buy for myself at this time of the year.

  2. Thank God for answered prayer! Glad you had a great time with your hubby. Such a blessing to hear and see your kids' attitudes. It shows on their faces. I love missionary kids, I guess because I am one! =)

  3. Glad all went well and it's great that you got to have a little get away!! Those are always good..see you soon!!

  4. So glad you were able to find those special treats.... extra little smiles from the Lord. :o)
