
Monday, May 21, 2012

Celebrating Callie's Birthday

 We had a great time Celebrating Miss Callie Grace's Birthday!  She woke up to some fun gifts that she loved opening.
 Then, it was off to our church's Mother Daughter Banquet.  Miss Judy always does a great job planning and preparing and we enjoyed it so much!  Half way through Callie spotted her Grammy and was so excited.  She loudly said over and over, "Grammy!  Hi Grammy!"  It was so cute!
 It's not very often I'm able to go to the banquet with my Mom.  I'm so glad I was able to this year.  Here's my Mom with 3 of her daughters and all of granddaughters.  (My sis Tay had to work :o(  )
 Then, it was party time for Callie! 
 We played her favorite games with her cousins: Ring around the Rosie, Crawl around like a doggie, balloons....lots of funness!

 (Do you notice Callie not even noticing the balloons but playing with her new baby and stroller?  So cute!)

Then, Denise ordered an amazing cake for Callie.  So pretty!  It was the kind with a custard and fruit in between the layers.  So delicious!

Great day!

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