
Saturday, June 30, 2012

I've  been reading through my stash of books on my book shelf.  Nursing is a perfect time for reading!  (or reading to two little ones that also want Mommy's attention! :o)  The latest book that I finished was "Kids Without Chaos" by Marlene Evans.
This is a book that I really want to recommend!  It was full of many different good things about parenting.  Some were funny and light (like Birthday Party Planning) and some were pretty serious (like the chapter on Tempering your child)  I was really challenged in many areas of parenting and now my book is full of highlighter marks!  You can tell that Marlene Evans had a heart for children.  Her chapter on "Do you provoke or nurture your child?"  was a chapter I really needed!  She really speaks of the difference between "telling"  our children and "teaching" them.  She says, "Teaching is a transfer of knowledge that changes behavior.  Teaching comes by patiently explaining, showing, allowing the child to try;  explaining again, showing again, allowing the child to try again; explaining once again, showing once again, allowing the child to try once again, and repeating this process until the child has leanred and knows the joy of victory."  Oh how I needed to hear that!

I found this book here on sale for only $4!  Not a bad deal!
(I've finished a few books in the past few weeks (that I've started long ago!)  so I plan to do some more Book Reviews in the near future.  Until then...Happy Reading!

Friday, June 29, 2012

Fair Time Food for Family Fun Night

One of the things we miss from the states is good ole greasy food from a Fair. You can just smell the fried food in the air and I love it!  When I found this recipe on pinterest I knew we had to try it.  We LOVE Funnel Cakes!
 These turned out fabulous!  We served them with powdered sugar and with raspberry sauce.  We put the batter in a leftover pancake syrup bottle.  Perfect!  It was great and we were so excited about it!

The picture above makes me laugh. I love the container the powdered sugar comes in...and do you notice the apple?  I wonder who took a bite out of it and put it back? :o)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Happy 16th Birthday to My Joshua!

Yesterday my baby boy turned 16.  I sure do love this guy!  He's such a fine young man that makes a Momma truly proud!
 Patrick posted some really sweet words about him on our Family Blog.  As you can tell, Josh is a true blessing to our family.
We had a great day doing all the things he wanted to do and eating all of his favorites.  (Hamburgers, of course!)  We love you Josh!  Happy 16th!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Some Sweet Baby Cuteness

Just a quick post (for the Grandparents!)  to show you how adorable our little Micah Reuben is!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Grocery shopping in St. Barths

Today I'm linking up to the Baptist Missionary Women Blog and we're posting about how grocery shopping is on our Mission Field.  How exciting!  Well, I love cooking and trying new recipes, so buying the goodies to make some fun stuff is just icing on the cake for me!  So, heres how it works for us on St. Barths.
 I start my adventure off at Marche U.  This is a store that they also have in France.  It carries French products, so a lot of things are different than in the states.  I try to buy most of my groceries here because they seem to be least expensive.  (On most things, but not all)  They are just like Canadian supermarkets in that you have to bring your own bags.  I carry a stash of reusable grocery bags in my trunk.  One of the most unusual things for us to get used to at the store is their grocery carts.  All four wheels go in all directions!  Now, this might sound like it would be easier to maneuver, but it actually makes it hard when your cart is full.  (Like ours often is!)  The store is on a small slope.  When we leave and start getting up speed our cart starts moving (sideways) down the parking lot and it's hard to make it turn the right way!  It's sometimes a little funny!

Then, after Marche U we head to JoJo's  It's not quite as large as Marche U, but they usually have some things that we couldn't find.  They carrry products that are more common through the caribbean.  I also pick up the majority of my produce here.  It's not all that fresh (it's hard to find fresh produce here) but, it is usually less expensive.
Then, I end my day at MiniMart.  This is a pretty small little market, but I love it!  They carry a good bit of American Products.  The prices are pretty high, but I've recently found that their fresh chicken breasts are cheaper here than anywhere else! 

Do I find everything I'm looking for?  Usually that's a no.  It's definitely not like shopping at Walmart where you know they will have what you need.  Now that we're in the slow season it's even harder to find some things.  When that happens we just make a change to the recipe, or a change to our menu altogether.  It really has made us appreciate the small pleasures in finding something that you'd been missing!  Some things that we usually can't get here are: Grape Jelly (how do you make a PBJ without GRAPE jelly?), Chocolate Chips (sometimes they carry mini chips from France, but it's expensive and the bags are about 3 oz of chips. We have started buying chocolate bars and breaking them up.  I think I like it better that way!), Root Beer and Cream Soda, Creamed Soups (although Mini Mart carries Cream of Asparagus, which  isn't too bad!), Taco Seasoning, Cheddar Cheese (sometimes they have it, sometimes they don't), Drink Mixes (we miss Crystal Light and Kool-aid!), Toaster Struedles, Pop Tarts, American Type Cereals. (they do import some, but we've found the taste is different)

But, the thing that has been the hardest to get used to is the prices.  Whew!  It's expensive!  Here's a few examples in US Dollars (to help you be thankful for your prices in the States!)

A Loaf of Bread (Holsum is all they have and it's not exactly always soft and Fresh)-$5.31
A Dozen Eggs-$2.75
A Gallon of Milk-$16.40

We've learned to make even more from scratch such as creamed soups and bread.  We've also converted to shelf milk.  Like I said at the beginning, it's definitely an adventure!  But, I've seen the Lord starting to open doors to people we meet in the stores.  Since we go to more than one store, the Lord is allowing us to meet more people, so that is a blessing!  I love my grocery shopping adventure and really do enjoy it!

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Fast Forward

On the phone the other day, I told my sister, Taylin, that I feel like my life is on fast forward and I'm not really living it, just watching from a distance. (My kiddos are growing up too fast) She gave me some great words to think on  (and giggle about!)  She said, "I've decided that I'm going to smile while my life feels like it's on fast forward.  I would hate for it to pause and me be frowning!"  Love that girl!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Homemade Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream

When I met Patrick I soon learned that he is an Ice Cream Guy!  He Loves it!  (and so do I)  When we were first married we would sometimes eat a box in one night! Yowzers that's a lot of ice cream!  We've passed on our love for the yummy stuff to our children.  In the past we've made homemade ice cream with a machine (you know, the kind that plugs in and is super noisy for about an hour)  but, we don't have one here.  When I saw this recipe on Pinterest, I knew we had to try it.  It was alright, but the sweetened condensed milk flavor was a little over powering for us. So, I decided to tweak it a bit and try and turn it into one of our favorites: Mint Chocolate Chip.  And VOILA!  We found an amazing ice cream recipe that's super easy!

Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
1 can Sweetened Condensed Milk
3 Cups Heavy Whipping Cream
1 teaspoon Mint Extract
3/4 bag of 12 oz. Mini Chocolate Chips (You might want to use less)
Green Food Coloring

Beat Cream until stiff, then gently fold in milk, extract, food coloring, and chips. Leave in freezer for at least 6 hours.  (No need to stir)
There are endless possibilities!  We are already talking about Strawberry Cheesecake, Brownie Batter, Cinnamon Roll.....I'm in love with this stuff!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Heart of the Matter~Studying our Children

Did you have fun last week studying your husband?  I love the responses about the peanut butter!  I have been on the hunt for crunchy peanut butter ever since then, but haven’t found any on the island yet.  I’ll have to keep looking!

Now, it’s time to study our children. This one may be a little harder for a couple of reasons: 
 1. When you’re examining your children and taking a close look at their weaknesses and strengths, it’s easy to get off balance.  I know it’s easy to start “dwelling” on all the things that really need working on in their lives. Then, we become nags…not a good quality in a mother.  But, I know the trap, so when I study my children I need to be very conscious to not dwell on the negative.  I need to make sure I’m looking for the good and praise my children 2x’s as much as I correct them. 
2. Another “side effect” of studying my children is that sometimes I see my behavior magnified….and not always my good points.  It’s hard when we see a bad trait in our child, then realize, “That’s just like me!” The negative traits that I see them copying from me can be a reminder to help me to be careful of the example I set!  

About three years ago I gave my kiddos a little quiz.  The quiz was about finding each child’s personality strength.  I learned so much!  After the quiz, we sat down, discussed it together and came up with a good plan of how to improve and use their particular strength in serving the Lord.  My husband and I learned that we needed to focus on our children’s strengths and teach them how to use them for the Lord.  We realized that we had been so intent on fixing their “weak points” and were overlooking the fact that God had given each of our children a different strength or talent that He wanted them to use for Him.  We also talked about a battle plan for their weaknesses, but we determined to focus on their strengths. 

For this “study” challenge, I want to take a look at each of my children secretly and prayerfully and to see how they’re doing.  There are two things that I want to ask myself concerning my children:

What is my child’s strength?  (Each child has a different personality strength.) How can I develop that strength and use it to honor the Lord? 

What is their weakness?  Pray and ask the Lord to show you how to help your child.  Find a Bible verse that will encourage you in this area.  Look for practical ways to help. 

Once I identify their strength/weakness, I want to look at their strengths and pray for God’s wisdom to help me in helping them build on those strengths.  For instance, I know my Elisabeth’s strength is to be very efficient behind the scenes.  During the week she is very quick to come help me in the kitchen.  She jumps right in with preparing drinks and plates that I don’t even have to tell her what needs to be done. Yesterday as I was making tortillas I turned to flip the tortilla.  When I turned back there was my Beth rolling out the remaining tortillas. What a blessing!  Her strength is to be my right hand girl and read my mind.  As a busy Momma it’s always a blessing to have someone there who wants to work beside you.   On the other hand, her weakness can be to want to be in the shadows.  When she was little we struggled with getting her to just look people in the eye and say hello.  She battles a fear of speaking in public and having conversations with people she does not know very well.  If we are not careful, she would spend all of her time working behind the scenes and not being involved with people.  Her tendency is to be our quiet child.  Once I realized Elisabeth’s strength is working “behind the scenes” I gave her responsibilities in the ministry that she can do on her own such as making the dessert for Sundays, setting out the hymnbooks, setting the table, and refilling people’s drinks.  I am taking her strength and teaching her how to use it to serve the Lord and also allowing her to use her strength to be involved with people.

Prayerfully, I need to seek guidance on how to help her be more sociable, but at the same time encourage her and praise her for the blessing she is to me when no one else is watching.  Balance is the key, and so is praising our children. 

Is it hard?  Yes.  Studying our children takes effort and dedication.  Proverbs 31:27 says, “She looketh well to the ways of her household.  I need to be very conscious of how my children are doing.  I know how easy it is just getting by in life.  Some days it seems to take all of our energy just to clothe and feed our children!  It’s important that I take the time to truly “study” my children and see how I can help them to be more like Christ.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

God has NOT called him to be a hairdresser!

 My sweet Josh, he can be quite a character!  He is a good big brother with a big imagination, that's for sure!  The other night he "fixed" Silas and Callie's hair for fun.  Oh dear.  I don't think I'll request his help in this department in the future!
 Yup, super wet, super slicked down, and right down the middle.  Very attractive.
 But, my sweeties had a great time, and now they adore their big brother even more!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Happy Father's Day to 2 Wonderful Dads

I want to wish a very Happy Father's Day to the two greatest Fathers I know! 

My Father
The Father of my Children

I had a great childhood with so many happy memories with my Dad. Now, my children have the same with their Dad and I am so blessed as daughter to my Dad and wife to my Patrick.
  These two guys are so alike in so many ways, it's scary!  They both love their families and love to spend time with them...that is one (there are many!) of the things I love the most about them.

Have a wonderful Father's Day, Dad.  I wish I was there with you, but I'm so thankful that you're supportive of what God has called me and my family to do.  That means more to me than you'll ever know.  I love you!

Patrick, Happy Father's Day to you.  You are such an amazing Dad, our children are truly blessed.  I love to watch you play with them, provide for them, and pray for them.  I love you so much!

Friday, June 15, 2012

A new bed for Callie

 My sweet little Callie has outgrown her crib.  (which is really a port-a-crib).  So, we did some rearranging and figuring and came up with a good solution for where she should sleep.  We moved the loveseat into the kiddos room, I made a sheet for it with matching  pillowcase, and Voila Callie has her new big girl bed!  At night we put up the safety railing to help her not to fall out.
 She's adapted very well!  I'm so proud of her!
 It actually was good timing, though.  It was time for Micah to be sleeping in her old crib.  He  seems to be getting to big for his bassinet.  I haven't taken pics of him in the crib yet, but we folded it up for about a week, just so it wasn't too confusing for Callie.  When we set it back up for Micah we realized he isn't quite ready to be in the kids room...or should I say Callie isn't ready!  The crib will go right next to Callie's bed and this Momma had thoughts of the baby having too much attention from sweet Callie.  So, for now, Patrick and I have a crib in our room.  It works, like I said, for now.  My babies are growing up!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Heart of the Matter~Studying Your Man

So, my focus word for this month is “study”… to have a heart that studies. This week I’m focusing on studying your husband.  Sounds like fun, doesn’t it?  Being the wife of Patrick, I should know him better than anyone! Proverbs 31 verse 10 and 11 says, “The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.  She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.  That virtuous woman was pretty smart.  She knew her husband so well that she knew how to be the best completer for him.  She did good things for him, knew his likes and dislikes, and in return, he trusted her with his heart.  This is a task that does take some effort because being his help-meet and completer means that my number one ministry is helping him to be the man, father, preacher, teacher & worker that God wants him to be.  It means prioritizing my day to make sure that I am completing this ministry that God has given me and not just “existing” from day to day.

For example, My husband is a preacher.  His study space is at his tiny desk in our bedroom.  Since we live in a small, 2-bedroom home and have 6 busy kiddos in our house, things can get pretty loud.  It seems there is always someone wanting to show Daddy their Lego creation, or someone with a “very important only Daddy can answer” question, or a little two year-old girl needing to sit on Daddy’s lap and color on his notes.  To help him be the preacher that God wants him to be, it means me making sure his study time is quiet (or somewhat).   It is not easy but necessary.

I have a really fun assignment for you to help you to “study” your husband better.  I came up with a quiz to help me know my husband better.  Remind him beforehand that there are no wrong answers.  Tell him you want him to answer very truthfully so you can be the best wife you can for him!  I made it into a fun game like the Newly Wed Game and let the kids help ask the questions.  I gave my answer of what I thought he would say and then he gave the true answer.  Here are some of the questions I asked (feel free to add your own questions):
Crunchy or Creamy (Peanut Butter)
Which meal do you prefer to be your “main” meal of the day?

What is your favorite dessert?

IF you had to choose one for the day, would you choose a house that’s in order, or a wife that is made up for the day (dressed nice, make-up, hair done)?

Which do you feel is your Love Language? (Words of Affirmation, Quality Time, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service,  or Physical Touch)?

When do you prefer to have your quiet time?

Banana Split or Hot Fudge Sundae?

Which household chore in the home do you feel should be a priority? (The one that if it’s not done, it doesn’t matter how clean the house is, it will still be dirty to you?)

Short hair or long?

Polished nails or no?
Which do you find the most attractive?  Fixed Hair, Manicured Nails or Attractive Clothes?

What do you prefer to never have for breakfast?
Which meal do you wish we had more of for dinner?
Which meal do you wish we would see less often?

Do you prefer to have a cup of hot tea before bedtime or a cup of decaf coffee?
Which color do you like for me to wear the best?

Is there a particular outfit that you just don’t prefer for me to wear?

What is the way I can help you the most throughout your day?
We had a great time playing this “Game”.   I have to admit I did pretty good!  But, I really learned some things, too!  I didn’t realize that my husband really does prefer crunchy peanut butter over creamy  (He’s just never said anything because he knows the kiddos prefer creamy.  What a sweet Daddy!) and I didn’t know that he’s really getting sick of hot dogs!  I learned he finds manicured nails attractive (not my strong point).  It was good for me to look at how my husband wants some things and I think he enjoyed the attention, too.  From this short quiz, I learned a few things that I can change or alter along our day that will help him to feel loved and cherished…to help meet his desires.  I sure do like studying my man! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Happy 2 Months to Micah!

 Happy 2 months to my Micah Reuben!  He's growing so much!  He's rolling over (belly to back) and kicks his cute little legs when he's happy.  He started sleeping in his big boy crib! (I'll post more on that later)  He still has his heat rash.  It's all over his poor little head!  But, Praise the Lord, his eye seems so much better!  Each day is such a blessing to be around this little guy!

Saturday, June 9, 2012

The color of my thumb

For those of you that really know me, you know that I do not have a green where near the color green! It's not that I don't like plants.  I love flowers, houseplants, and especially plants that bring food!!  But, I've never been very good with them. 

  It never fails, every spring Patrick gets bitten by the "We really need to plant a garden" bug.  He had a great garden when we lived in Canada.  Last years garden here in St. Barths did not turn out well.  They say the soil here just isn't good enough.

 This year the bug bit me.  Oh dear.
I have big plans for a gorgeous container garden on my porch.
So, last Monday I planted my seeds in cute little biodegradeable pots and labeled them.  I planted Tomatoes, Cherry Tomotoes, Beans, Cucumbers, Parsley, Eggplant, Basil, Thyme, Cilantro, Green Peppers and Keela Peppers.  You've never heard of Keela Peppers?  While I was in Florida my sister, Keela, was eating a pepper that looked like a hot one.  She said they are actually very sweet and she loves them!  I knew of my garden plans, so I asked her for the seeds.  So, they've travelled in my suitcase from Florida, and they better grow! (They've even made it after being accidently thrown away in trash...and then found again by me...not a very pretty thing to do!)
So, I've been watering and praying my little garden will do well.  I'm already seeing cute little sprouts poking their head through the soil.  I love it!

Friday, June 8, 2012


A couple of days ago, I declared our day to be a "Chores~N~More" day.  The kiddos had to complete their morning chores, plus one more that we don't do on a weekly basis.  I usually write down the extra chore and have them draw it, or they get to pick from a list.  Well, Joshua picked "Clean out the Spice Cabinet"
Somehow, honey had spilled along with some garlic powder inside the cabinet.  Not a great smell combo!  It was a mess.  So, after he took out all the spices and stuff, he washed the cabinet and washed all the bottoms of the bottles.  Then, he had an idea.  I usually have all my bottles of spices and stuff thrown in the cabinet.  But, if they're not in the first row, I can't see them.  My sweet Josh came up with an easier way for me to grab my magic dusts for food.  He made a stair step shelf from an old rubbermaid container!  How cool is that!?

First he cut it in half, then drilled the two pieces together in a stair step fashion.

Then, he put everything back in the cabinet.  It works great!! I'm not scrounging around anymore, knocking other bottles over, to find my spices.  I Love it!  And I love that my boy went the extra mile.  Thanks Josh!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Heart of the Matter for June~Study

While I was in Florida my sister Keela had a big exam in her Philosophy class.  Even though we were having a big “Going Away Breakfast” for my Mam-maw, Keela still brought her books to have a few more minutes of study time.  She read through her study notes.  Then, she talked about them with my other super-smart sister, Tabitha.   As they discussed all the points I was totally lost!  Then, Keela found a quiet spot and read and studied some more.  How dedicated! 

It was interesting that night when I read in Proverbs.  I learned of a different kind of person that also studies.   In chapter 24 verse 1 and 2 it says, “Be not thou envious against evil men, neither desire to be with them.  For their heart studieth destruction, and their lips talk of mischief.”   I’ve realized that during this past year our family has been desensitized.  St. Barths is an unusually safe island for the Caribbean.  The crime rate there is very low and the normal crime heard of is perhaps a purse being stolen from a car.  But that is even rare.  As I caught pieces of the nightly news in Florida, I realized this world we live in is not very safe!  There’s always a bad guy on the loose.  Like the verse in Proverbs, there really are evil men studying how to commit the next crime or steal the next item.  They take it as their job and they are commited.

On one hand I noticed Keela , wanting a good grade on her college exam, therefore she studied, studied and studied some more.  On the other hand, the Bible talks about evil men studying.  Their heart studies destruction.  This really started me thinking on what is my heart studying on?  We really have a choice what we will study.  I looked up in the Hebrew what exactly it meant in Proverbs when it says “studieth”. The Hebrew word is Hagah.  The definition is to imagine, to meditate, to speak, to talk, to utter.  That really is a lot of steps to studying!  So, what is my heart imagining, meditation on, speaking  about and, more specifically, studying?

I definitely want to be the opposite of the evil man in Proverbs.  The next two verses in chapter 24 are some of my favorites!  It says, “Through wisdom is an house builded; and by understanding it is established:  And by knowledge shall the chambers be filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”  I want the blessing of having my home filled with all precious and pleasant riches.  To have this, my heart needs to study God’s Word!  I need to imagine, meditate, speak, talk and utter those things that Christ would have me to.  Just like my sister taking every possible moment to be ready for her big exam, as a wife and mother striving to be Godly, I need to take advantage of every possible moment, too!  

Here’s some ideas of how to have a Godly heart that studies His Word:
1.        I’m going to make sure I’m applying what I mentioned in January (our dwell month)  I want to take my morning devotions as my personal time with the Lord where He will give me my instructions for the day.  Then, I want to study and apply what He’s teaching me.  (Remember to study is to imagine, meditate, speak, talk and utter!)
2.       Character studies of people in the Bible can help us to keep things in perspective.  It’s important to learn from people’s strengths and from their weaknesses as well.  I LOVE reading about Peter.  His tongue and pride always got the best of him!  But, then, I love how he got right with the Lord and did mighty things for Christ!  I want to study what others did and learn from them.  God gives us the best examples in His Word.  Pastor Jim Brown, whom my husband worked for, used to tell Patrick, “You can either learn from other people’s mistakes or you can make all of the mistakes yourself.  Learn to study people.”
3.       It’s important to take my time studying God’s Word as important as a dedicated college student would.  I like to have my devotions with highlighters and pen in hand.  I have 4 highlighters that I use for different topics.  The color Pink is for things to do with being a wife and mother.  Blue - God’s conditional promises (If we….then He will….).  Green - verses that have to do with the tongue and the words we speak.  Yellow - this is my miscellaneous color.  I use it for anything else that I want to stand out (I’m in the process of finding all the heart verses and highlighting them yellow)   I found this great kit at a Christian Bookstore while in Florida.  It has all 4 of my highlighter colors, Red and Black pens, teeny-tiny post it notes, and Tab-Its  in each highlighter color.  What a great tool!
4.       To Study takes time.  I love my morning devotion time!  But, what about getting a little study time throughout the day and even before bed?  I want to take advantage of my minutes.   Sometimes it’s impossible for a momma to have quiet times to herself during the day to study.  So, it also helps, as my sister did, to use your family members and children to help you to study or talk about certain subjects of the Bible.

5.       I have a goal this year to memorize a chapter in the Bible.  As I memorize I like to look up what the words mean, look at passages that have those same words and topics.  Then, think of ways to apply it to my life.  Dig deep in God’s Word, that’s a great way to study!

It was even more interesting to me when I searched (using my Power Bible CD!) to see where else this word “Hagah” is found in the Bible.   I’m sure you could probably quote (or sing!)  Joshua 1:8.  It starts, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night,” The word for “meditate” is the same word!  Meditate in this verse is translated “Hagah” which also means studieth.    Here’s a few others where “Hagah” is used:
Job 27:4 (utter)
Psalm 1:2 (meditate)
Psalm 2:1 (imagine)
Psalm 35:28 (speak)
Psalm 71:24 (talk)

If you think about a heart ready to utter, meditate, imagine, speak, talk and study the things of the Lord, it really is time consuming.  And life consuming!  But, isn’t that exactly what the Lord wants?  I’m determined to have a heart so focused on Christ that it’s just natural for it to be studying and growing, so that thinking and meditating upon the Lord becomes just habit.  Lord, please help me to have a heart that will study how to be more like you and pleasing to you!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Bye, Mom...Thanks

Saturday was the day...My Mom had to head back home.  It was soooo great to have her travel back with me and spend the week with us.  She's amazing at unpacking and sorting the kids drawers of clothes.  (It's never been my forte to cram too many clothes in a small space!)  How will I ever be able to unpack on my own again!
We've had a great time at the beach, bathing our new baby Micah, sewing together, learning new quilting stuff, eating burgers from the burger shop, visiting, driving around the island, cooking and name it, and we fit it into 6 short days!  It was great!

 Mom left on Saturday morning to take the ferry to St. Martin.  Poor Mom, her flight was canceled and she had to stay the night in a hotel (by herself) and fly out the next day.  I was thankful when I finally heard her voice safely in Florida.  My Mom sure is amazing.  She loves her husband, grandkids, son in laws and daughters with her whole being.  She is one devoted lady!  When she called from Florida and wanted to know how I really am doing, I told her I'm okay, but missing her.  Now, I have to be the Mommy again! 
Miss you already, Mom.  Thanks for coming and for everything!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Thanks, Sweetie!

I am truly blessed to have a wonderful husband that helps out whenever he can.  This week he's done full time laundry duty.  He even did some of my Mom's laundry for her.  What a man!
 We did get the giggles, though, when one of Mom's dresses came out with "puffed sleeves."  Mom said she was ready to try out for the cast of Anne of Green Gables! :o)