
Saturday, June 30, 2012

I've  been reading through my stash of books on my book shelf.  Nursing is a perfect time for reading!  (or reading to two little ones that also want Mommy's attention! :o)  The latest book that I finished was "Kids Without Chaos" by Marlene Evans.
This is a book that I really want to recommend!  It was full of many different good things about parenting.  Some were funny and light (like Birthday Party Planning) and some were pretty serious (like the chapter on Tempering your child)  I was really challenged in many areas of parenting and now my book is full of highlighter marks!  You can tell that Marlene Evans had a heart for children.  Her chapter on "Do you provoke or nurture your child?"  was a chapter I really needed!  She really speaks of the difference between "telling"  our children and "teaching" them.  She says, "Teaching is a transfer of knowledge that changes behavior.  Teaching comes by patiently explaining, showing, allowing the child to try;  explaining again, showing again, allowing the child to try again; explaining once again, showing once again, allowing the child to try once again, and repeating this process until the child has leanred and knows the joy of victory."  Oh how I needed to hear that!

I found this book here on sale for only $4!  Not a bad deal!
(I've finished a few books in the past few weeks (that I've started long ago!)  so I plan to do some more Book Reviews in the near future.  Until then...Happy Reading!


  1. Thank you so uch for the link to the book sale, Kami. I had some money set aside for new books and had been praying about where to spend it. I have some great new books and cds on the way. I can't wait!!! Hugs and blessings!!!

  2. I stopped over from Jessi's blog after she wrote about your post ... thank you I just ordered the book today!
    Nursing is no longer a perfect time to read for me ... Leah decided yesterday she prefers my full attention though she still nurses well while I check in on blogs ... she can't reach the screen :).
