
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

A Merry Momma~The Heart of the Matter Study

We’ve all heard the saying, “If Momma ain’t happy, ain’t  nobody happy!  Some days it’s just hard to be a happy Momma.  Are you like me and sometimes it’s rough from the moment you roll out of bed?  Your first sound is milk being spilled all over the floor.  You walk out of your room to find the entire Lego box spilled in the center of the living room.  You go to make your morning coffee and find the coffee bag is empty….you know what I mean, sometimes it’s just one thing after another and before you know it, you’re a little grumpy. 

Patrick asked me a couple of days ago, “Are you a little bit grumpy today?”  I’ll admit my first reaction was, “No, I’m Not!”  But then I realized that, yes, I was a little on the grouchy side.  Not a fun thing to admit!  But sometimes I struggle with figuring out how not to be grumpy or just getting over my grouchiness…and then the Lord taught me that I don’t have to go searching for happiness, happiness will come looking for me!

I’ve learned so much this month by reading The Happy Book by Bro. John Bishop.  Bro. Bishop’s testimony is an amazing account of the mighty working hand of God.  I was able to hear him preach while we were on deputation and it was such a blessing.  He wrote his autobiography entitled, God Is So Good:  Especially When You’re Hurting.  And you can find it here.

 The Happy Book, has really been what I needed to hear this month.   He wrote a chapter called “You don’t need to search for happiness.  It will find you.”  I really began to “mull” over this thought.  Just think for a moment…How much of our time is spent searching for happiness?  We buy things to try and make us happy.  We do things we think are “fun” so we can try and be happy.  And some of us even make triple chocolate fudge brownies (after the kids are in bed so you don’t have to share) to try and make us happy.  (Surely I’m not talking about myself here! :o)  So, we’re all desperately searching to find happiness in this life we’re living.  How’s your search going?

 Bro. Bishop says, “Happiness is one of those things that comes to people occupied in doing what God has said to do.  It is a by-product of obedience, love, faith and service.”  When we’re serving the Lord we don’t have to search for happiness.  It will come looking for us!

Just like in Proverbs 16:20,  “…whoso trusteth the LORD, happy is he.”  When we’re trusting the Lord, happiness will find us.

  Just like in Psalm 128:1, “Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in his ways.”  When we’re walking with the Lord, happiness will find us!

 Just like in Psalm 146:5, “Happy is he that hath the God of Jacob for his help, whose hope is in the LORD his God.”  When our hope is in the Lord to help us, happiness will find us!

Just like in Proverbs 14:21, “He that despiseth his neighbor sinneth:  but he that hath mercy on the poor, happy is he.”  When we help others, happiness will find us!

Just like in John 13:17, "If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”  When we are doing what Jesus said, happiness will find us!

It reminds me of the song by Patch the Pirate called “Happiness came looking for me

“I was looking for a jolly joyful feeling,

To bring happiness inside.

Tho’ I searched all my heart,

I still felt empty, I was never satisfied.

Then happiness came looking for me,

When I started giving happiness to others;

Happiness came hunting me down,

When I started to help with all the needs around.

Serving Christ and putting self last,

Brought me deep down ever lasting happiness

I was busy giving you see,

So happiness came looking for me.”

So when you find yourself on the grumpy side, put yourself on the path for happiness to find you! 


  1. This is an honest look at happiness, being grumpy, and what it takes to defeat us in our daily living! I laughed and nodded my head in affirmation with you, my sister. Well written. Thanks for sharing your heart!

  2. I am enjoying these devotionals so much, Kami! Thank you for the time you put into them.
