
Saturday, July 28, 2012

Teaching My Toddlers To Pray

During our family morning devotion time, Patrick read in a book the importance of teaching your children to pray.  The author said that even toddlers can pray using pictures as reminders.  That really got my mind thinking about teaching Silas and Callie to pray more specifically.  My older 3 have prayer lists like Patrick and I do, so I decided to make a prayer journal for my sweet 3 year old Silas, and my 2 year old Callie!

First,   I told them I needed to take a picture of them praying.  It was so cute!!  I loved their earnest, sincere desire to pray!  Then, I printed out those pictures onto computer paper.  Using the picture and fabric scraps I decorated a piece of felt to be the cover of their journals.  Then, I layered three pieces of flannel on top of one another, putting the "cover" on the top.
 Then, I sewed down the middle to make it into a book.
 Then, I printed out small pictures of family members, and also the word "Safe" and "Obey".  After cutting out the pictures, I glued them (with a glue stick) to another sheet of flannel, then cut around the picture to have the picture be its own piece that they can stick to the pages.

 Then, I sat Silas and Callie down and told them they have their very own prayer journal like Mommy and Daddy.  They were so excited!  I showed them that this will help them to remember who to pray for everyday.  They loved seeing pictures of all their family that they could touch, and stick on any of the pages.

 Now, every morning, they want to get their prayer journal down and pray.  I LOVE it!  One of the most important things I want to teach my children is how to pray to a loving, prayer-answering God. 


  1. This is a great idea, Kami! I'm sure they love to pray several times a day, and I believe God hears the prayers of children. What a blessing!

  2. What a wonderful idea, Kami. This is so perfect for toddlers. Blessings and hugs!!!

  3. this is pinterest worthy! Great idea Kami!
