
Sunday, August 26, 2012

Book Review~Living in an Imperfect World

The Lord has really used my summer reading to teach me so much!  One of the books He's used is "Living in an Imperfect World" by R. B. Ouellette.  As you can see by the worn cover, it's been read a few times.  Patrick and I have read it, as well as my 3 oldest kiddos.  We've all loved it! There so much deep truth in it, but yet in such a practical way. I highlighted so many passages that it's hard to only mention a few.  This is such a practical book that will give you answers to your questions, such as: dealing with injustice, overcoming insecurity, defeating discouragement, overcoming disillusionment, rising above depression, banishing bitterness, responding to ruptured relationships and facing false accusations.   
I really loved the chapter on dealing with injustice.  Bro. Ouellette says  "No one can keep us from doing the will of God.  Your response to injustice, not the injustice itself, determines the effect it will have on your life. We bear full responsibility for how we respond and act.  The good news is, you don't have to make things work out.  God will do that.  Refuse to retaliate."
I also loved the chapter on depression.  Bro. Ouellette has so much wisdom.  He said,
 "Just because you don't see the evidence of His presence, doesn't mean He is not at work.  Rejoice in the knowledge that no matter what happens, He will never leave you or forsake you.

I found that Bible Truth Music is having a sale on this book.  You can find their website HERE.

So, I have a  question for you...What have you been reading?  Has it been books that will draw you closer to the Lord and help you to have a desire to search the scriptures and be more like Christ?  I challenge you, don't waste those moments God has given you to be able to read. We're so very busy that we need to make the most of every minute of our day.  Do whatever it takes to draw closer to the Lord!

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