
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Good news from a far country

Pr 25:25 As cold waters to a thirsty soul,
 so is good news from a far country.

Missionaries love to receive letters. It's a fact.  Oftentimes our mailbox stays empty for weeks on end.  In this day of email, facebook, and texting, an actual hand written letter is a rarity...but such a blessing!  It takes time to sit down and write a letter, then to put it in an envelope, stamp it, and then go to the post office to mail it, but I encourage you, take time to write to your missionaries.  You may be the encouragement that God will use in their lives!

We have a dear family in our home church that wrote my dear kiddos letters.  They mailed them last September.  We received them  in May.  We felt so horrible that we didn't get the letters for so long, and didn't respond to them.  Josh, Beth, and Brenna each wrote back and we sent the letters with my Mom when she was here after Micah's birth.  Those sweet girls wrote again and it only took 5 weeks this time to receive their letters!  Record timing? :o)  We all gathered around and each letter was read out loud.  We laughed and smiled as we felt like we were sitting and talking with the writer.  It was just what we needed!  The Lord knew!  Thank you, Jacksons, for being such a blessing to us!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet!! The Jacksons sang in the evening service tonight . . . I'll Fly Away. Loved it!!!
