
Thursday, August 2, 2012

Twice Freed

Do you like to read books with adventure, romance and some history mixed in, too?  What about a book with all of that, plus giving you a sincere desire to dive into the Bible?  I found one like that! A few years ago, Joshua had to read the book Twice Freed by Patricia St. John as required reading for ACE.  He loved it and wanted me to read it.  I never did get around to it.  The girls decided to go ahead and read it and they really loved it, too and begged me to read it.  Hhhhmmm, I never seemed to get around to it then, either. Finally this summer I decided I would read it, and I LOVED it!

Twice Freed is a fictional book based on the book of Philemon. I've never really cared much about reading books that are fictional, but based on the Bible.  In my mind I seem to then get confused over what was really in the Bible and what is fiction.  But, since it was so highly recommended by my kiddos, and is endorsed by ACE, I decided to read it.  Near the end, the letter from Paul is being delivered to Philemon and they quote portions from the book of Philemon.  It was so exciting and made this time period and the events surrounding it come to life.  I just had to grab my Bible and read the book of Philemon! I now understand the compassion from Paul of wanting his dear friend and brother in Christ to be freed.  This book also gave me a better understanding of what christians faced during this time.  It wasn't easy to serve the Lord and there was much persecution, yet they served and loved the Lord with all their hearts.  What genuine love they had for the Lord.

ACE has this book available for order here
Happy Reading!

1 comment:

  1. I remember having to read that for school, and I have gone back to read it a couple more times since. It's one of my favorite books.
