
Thursday, October 25, 2012

More Apron Strings to cut....sniff sniff

About two years ago I posted about having to "cut some Apron Strings" because Josh was going to be flying alone from Quebec City to Nova Scotia for a Youth Conference.  Whew!  That was hard for me.  Well, it's time to cut some more strings....why is this so hard?
Two months ago, Elisabeth had her orthodontist appointment here in St. Barths.  She's supposed to have adjustments every 6 weeks, but this time it was a little longer between appointments.  The orthodontist only comes here 2x per month and they weren't able to squeeze her in.  So, it was more like 3 months+ in between appointments.  There were some problems with over correction and a couple of broken brackets.  My poor Bethy!  Then, the orthodontist said that if we want him to see Beth again we would have to sign up for a 6 month plan.  6 months=$1500!  Are you kidding me?  It was pretty hard for us to fathom because the orthodontist was already charging us plenty to see Beth and we have already completely paid off her original orthodontist in Florida.  So, now we're paying double.  Yikes!
After praying, and looking at things, Patrick and I realized it was actually cheaper for her to fly back to Florida for her adjustments  and she would get to see family at the same time.  After Grandparents heard this they decided that two is always better than one, so we bought a ticket for Beth and they bought one for Brenna.
So, this morning my two girls left St. Barths.  Patrick took them on the morning ferry to St. Martin.  From there they will fly to Miami, then both Grandmas are picking them up and driving them to Fort Myers.  I sure had some giggly girls this morning!  They were SO EXCITED! 
I sure am going to miss them something terrible.  But, I know they will have a great time.
Please pray for their safety.
And pray for this Momma,too.  I'm not completely ready for this.

1 comment:

  1. We are SOOOO EXCITED!!! Can't wait for them to get here. And I know how you feel Kami....just wait till they get married and decide to move to a different country. haha
    Love you
