
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Klincks

My sweet sister, Taylin, posted on her blog about my nephew Logan.  This cute little guy has been having some health issues and has now been diagnosed with Celiac Disease.  Since then, my whole family has done tons of research on Celiac.  Basically, he has an intolerance to Gluten.  I'm shocked at how much stuff has gluten in it! Bread, pasta, cookies, cakes....did I mention bread? 
When my sister called and told me it was confirmed by the doctor that he has Celiac, we shed some tears together.  This will be a big change, but we praised the Lord together of what the doctor said, "This is 100% treatable with a diet change."  Easy?  No.  Possible? Yes!
 As we were hanging up the phone, she said one more thing, "And oh, sis, I need you to also pray that I'll like to cook."   She knows that to make this work, there's going to have to be a whole lot of home prep for Logan.  So, I have a new mission..(and a new label)  Yummy in my Tummy Gluten-Free!  So, for my sis, I'm going to be trying and trying and hopefully posting some great kid-friendly gluten-free recipes.  We've tried many in the past 3 weeks and have liked a lot!  Then, there's also been plenty of flops.  Like this...
Doesn't look very appetizing, does it?  It wasn't.  Trust me.  But, I have found some great ones, and adapted some of our family favorites to be gluten free.

So, I want to send lots of love and hugs to my amazing nephew, Logan.  We love you buddy!
And, can do this.  I know you can.  Lots of love, prayers and hugs are heading your way from our whole family.


  1. Thanks sis! I am so glad I have you to help me find good recipes. I have looked in four different stores and I can't find Millet Flour anywhere!! We have a few more places to try. I will let you know how the brownies turn out. :) Love your new label - Yummy-in-my-Tummy Gluten Free - too cute! :)

  2. Taylin, do you have a natural food co-op in your area? If so, it is a great place to buy gluten free things. They have all kinds of flour too. You can buy in bulk which makes it more cost effective for organic and healthful foods.
    May God give you courage, peace and grace as you adventure into this new stage of life. It won't be as bad as you think it will.
    There are a lot of gluten free things in the stores these days as well.

    1. We have quite a few health food stores in our area. I have found lots of gluten free options. I haven't bought any of the flour yet, but I am starting to get excited about trying to do some baking. Thanks for the encouragement!!

  3. We had to take my daughter off gluten over a year ago. It was hard at first, but we are getting there. Will be praying for your sister. I don't know if you're on Pinterest, but there are lots of good recipes on there.

  4. It's a difficult change but she can do it! Our older son has a metabolic disorder and he is on a extremely limited protein diet; I don't think much about it anymore except for making new recipes. I'll be praying for all of them!

  5. So glad you're feeling better! We'll keep you and your nephew in our continued prayers. There is a magazine called Living Without that is supposed to be excellent (recipes etc.) recommended by a friend of mine.
