
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Heart of the Matter Study for November

It had been a tough morning.  Micah had woken up a few times during the night and it made for a sleepy Momma when Silas and Callie woke up too early.  I tried to get up before them to have my quiet time with the Lord, but by the time I quietly prayed, “Dear Heavenly Father…”  they were asking for Chocolate Milk and for help in finding a missing pink balloon.  

That afternoon I finally got Silas and Callie down for their naps.  Micah’s nap wasn’t lining up with theirs, so he was full of energy.  Not me.   As he played actively on the floor, I lied down beside him just exhausted.  He crawled over to me with his drooly, dimply grin.  As he did, many thoughts ran through my head. 
“Is that new tooth causing an ear infection?” 
“How can I help him sleep better at night?” 
“Why isn’t he sleeping through the night?” 
“Am I really succeeding at this whole parenting thing?” 
Then, I felt a gentle tugging at my heart that reminded me that I can succeed in all God has called me to do.  I want to succeed as Momma, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Friend… I want success.  And the Lord wants that for me, too.  He wants me to succeed at being a helpmeet to my husband and at being a Mommy.  Do you know that the Bible does mention this word?  It’s only in there once, but it speaks volumes!

Joshua 1:8 “ This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.      
So, how do we obtain this sought after prize of success?  By laying up God’s Word in our heart, then doing it!  Deuteronomy 11:18 says, “Therefore shall ye lay up these my words in your heart and in your soul, and bind them for a sign upon your hand, that they may be as frontlets between your eyes.”
 It’s easy to fill our hearts with things that can take us away from the Lord.  We have so many distractions, don’t we?   But, God gives a clear recipe for having Success…. “Laying  up” God’s Word in our Heart and then “to do it”.  The Book of Psalms teaches us that God’s Word is a lamp unto our feet.  His Word can shine on our path to show us the steps we should take.  Imagine a situation arising and having a verse flood your head with the direction from the Lord on how to handle this problem.  That’s how the Lord wants us to live! He’s given us such clear instructions that I’m sure it pains Him when we don’t know His instructions, let alone do them.
So my “heart” word for this month is “Lay up”.   I want to  be more actively memorizing God’s Word so that I can have success in my life…in so many areas!  But, where do I start?  There are so many verses I want to learn and put into my heart!   This month, I will be sharing a series of posts with you of verses that I am going to start memorizing that will help me to have success in the different aspects of my life as a momma, homemaker, wife and lady.  I’m excited to share these with you!  But, I’m also excited to have this accountability, too.  So, do you want to join me?
 Success.  We can have it and the Lord freely gives it!


  1. I would love to do it with you as well. Thank you for the invitation! :o)

  2. I'll take the challenge, Kami. Looking forward to it!
