
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Happy 8 Months Micah Reuben!

My little Micah "Roo" turned 8 months old today...although he doesn't seem so little anymore!
 He's starting to get more of a chubby look.  See those cheeks and that belly?  Love it!
 He's as mobile as ever, that's for sure!  He didn't get into our Christmas tree very much the first 2 weeks, but this week he's seemed to notice it a little more.  He's only torn 2, maybe 3, or 4 gifts.  I have a feeling that his older siblings are directing him to it, though!
 He also cut his 2 top teeth this month.  Poor guy had the usual symptoms for cutting teeth.  But, they are finally through, and they are sharp!  trust me.
 He loves hearing the vacuum and motorcycles.  It's so hard to vacuum if he's on the floor.  He has no fear and leaps for the machine!  When he hears a motorcycle he whips his head around so quick to see it!

Oh my Micah, you're growing up on me!  Where has these past 8 months gone?  I'm lovin' being your Momma.  You're such a cuddler and snuggler and you're giving good kisses too.  I love you!


  1. He is so cute. Good thing he isn't 2 yet ;-)

  2. SLOW DOWN MICAH!!!! YOU'RE GROWING TOOOO FAST!!! Can't believe you're 8 months already. Love and miss you

  3. Happy 8 months Micah! We sure do miss you!

  4. Kami- I love following your blog. I've been a stalker since Silas was a baby (found your blog when I was blog-hopping a couple years back). I feel like I know your family. Thanks for sharing! Here's my blog if you want to visit: juliezambia dot blogspot dot com.
