
Wednesday, December 5, 2012

In our neck of the woods

Our car has been "broken" for a  little while now.  Our new radiator is being ordered from the states, so it will get here eventually.  About the same time we noticed that the construction workers finished part of the new sidewalk they were working on right by our house.  Perfect!

 St. Barths is pretty mountain-y.  And we live in a valley.  Our road can be pretty busy, so getting out for a walk with the little ones isn't very safe.  Now that the sidwalk is done we are able to walk to the Grand cul de Sac Beach!   We spotted this peacock along the way.  Do you see him?

 Grand cul de Sac is the place where some of the local fisherman anchor their boats.  It's a pretty beach.  Patrick and his uncle have spotted a Barracuda here.  Scary! You can also see people kite surfing here.   It's a great place to go for a little walk along the shore.

 I love this picture of my handsome hubby and sweet Callie Grace.  Do you notice the new sidewalk and paved road?

 I love this picture....Silas is eyeing something on the road.  Probably ants or bugs or something like that.  Callie is holding Patrick's hand, but looking back wondering what Silas has spotted.

And this is how Micah spent some of his walk.  He loves his sling (and I do too)  I love our family walks, it's been nice to get out and get rid of some of our cabin fever!  So how about it?  Do you want to come join us for a walk in our neck of the woods?


  1. You and your husband make a cute couple ;-)

    The workmen did a marvellous job on the paving and I really appreciate smooth paths to walk on. It does look like a steep incline down to the beach so it's good to have a safe path.

    Blessings. x

  2. That would be fun!!!
    They did a really beautiful job on the sidewalk.
    It is always fun to stop here and read :).
    Have a blessed evening with all your sweet blessings :)!

  3. I would love to go for a walk with all of you. Love the look of the new sidewalk.....looks better than the roads there...haha, just had to add that. :-) love and miss you all.

  4. I would love to take a walk with you. I would love to take a walk with you and your family. I can just see us all now what a bunch we would be. lol.

  5. I would except that invitation in a heartbeat! You make me want to go to the beach.
    Have a blessed day!
    In Christ,
