
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What a Christmas! (In a Nutshell)

We had such a wonderful Christmas.  God is so good to us!  I snapped a few shots, so I'm going to share a few!

 Our Services on the Sunday before Christmas were great.  We planned some special music with singing and also an instrumental special from Joshua and Brenna.  Patrick had a great message on the Greatest Gift.  We gave gifts to all who came, and some were even given to us!  What a blessing!

 We had a fun meal of appetizer type foods.  It was delicious!

 Doesn't Micah look so grown-up in his tie and vest!  What a cutie!

We asked Denise to join us for our services via Skype.  We knew she would enjoy watching her Mom open the gift she bought for her, and also to hear preaching and singing in French.  

 And of course we had a Birthday Cake for Jesus!

 On Christmas Eve we did our usual tradition of reading the Christmas story from Luke Chapter two by candlelight.  It's always a special time for our family to reflect on God's Unspeakable Gift-Jesus.  We also revealed what our stocking gifts to Jesus were last year, and gave new gifts to Him for this coming year.  It's always a time of focusing on Christ and what we want to do for Him.

 We tried to talk Joshua into not waking us up too early this year.  And he was sweet to wait until he heard Patrick and I talking at 6am.  (Although he had been up and waiting on the couch since 4:30am!)  We were able to Skype with my parents and with Patrick's Mom and brother for our present opening time.  It was good to "see" our family for Christmas!

 Silas and Callie were so excited to open new jammies from Mam-maw.  They both changed clothes right away!

 Then, Josh and Patrick opened new jammy pants from Mam-maw.  They did the same as Silas and Callie and tried on their new ones right away, too!

Then, we decided to try something new this year.  Instead of our usual Turkey, we made Duck.  (actually 2 of them, because they were so small).  They weren't bad, but they weren't exactly good either.  I think I'll leave cooking Duck to the restaurants.  I won't be trying that again.
It was a great day and God gave us so many blessings to enjoy on HIS birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Merry Christmas, a few days late! I'm so glad to see you had a great Christmas, and loved all your pictures. Don't you just the technology that allows us to Skype with our far-away loved ones?!
