
Saturday, January 5, 2013

My Almost 4 Year Old

I love to take pictures of my kiddos right around their birthday.  Tomorrow is Silas Boone's Birthday!  :o)  He's going to be 4.  So, it was off to Toiny to take some pics of my cutie pie.  But, I have 4 powerful words for you:
That makes for some interesting photo shooting!

 You get a lot of strange smiles.

 And funny faces.

 A lot of distractions.

 And conversations about everything (like "Can I please open my presents when I get home?)

 Time for wiping faces and eyes.

 And climbing trees.

 And completely running out of the photo, just so Mom will have to chase you down.

But, then you get some really great ones of a boy full of life, energy, personality, and absolute cuteness...
 I'm still so in love with this guy!  Happy Birthday my Silas Boone!


  1. He looks sooooo big! Happy early Birthday Silas!! We sure do miss him!!

  2. What wonderful photos of the birthday boy. He is absolutely brimming with personality. Happy Birthday to Silas!

  3. Well, you did a GREAT job taking pictures of your adorable, active boy! Happy Birthday, Silas!!!

  4. Absolutely adorable pictures! I agree with Jolene, you did a great job! Each picture seems to completely capture your 4 words. ;)

  5. I love the pictures. I thought that he was older though. He looks at least 6.

  6. Happy 4th Birthday Silas Boone or as Grandpa says Danny Boone. We sure do love you and can't wait to see you. Love all your energy and playfulness and love your conversations and all the questions you have. Have FUN today and eat some cake and ice cream for me and Grandpa. We Love you.
