
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Elisabeth's Birthday

There is so much excitement around here on birthdays.  The birthday person gets their choice of meals and activities and we just love it!

 We always start the day off with our living room full of fun balloons or ribbons, or something that will kick the day off right.  Then, as the person wakes up and comes out the bedroom we all sing Happy Birthday!  (As my kiddos get older, I'm noticing that sleeping in is one of the requested "activities" :o)  Then, of course, it's gift time!
 Can you tell Callie is happy for a birthday! How does she get her neck to do that?
 Beth received lots of thoughtful gifts this year.  Callie just knew she would love the chocolate lady bugs that she picked out for her at the store.
 A HUGE bag of of Peanut M and M's was from Josh.  Can you tell she likes chocolate?  Who doesn't? :o)
 One of her gifts from us was this book called Verses of Virtue.  My Beth loves poetry.  She was really wanting a book full of poems by Christians.  We were excited to find this one on Amazon for a pretty good price.  We were skeptical though, since her birthday was 6 weeks away when we ordered it.  We were VERY impressed with Amazon!  We paid for the regular international shipping (only $13!) that was supposed to arrive in 4 weeks. (mail always seems to take longer than said)  We received it in 4 days!  Wow!  Very impressed for sure!

 Brenna bought Beth her favorite Peach Tea and a gift certificate for a free pedicure (by Brenna of course!)  I think Beth enjoyed getting her toes done while drinking her tea, eating her M&M's and reading her new book!  Talk about being pampered!
Then, after lunch, She wanted us to play Monopoly.  Josh said that it was like God was wanting her to win  because we all kept on landing on her property!

 That afternoon we took a relaxing stroll down on the harbor.  Gustavia is so beautiful!  We love watching the boats, looking for fish and just enjoying a nice walk.
 For her birthday "cake" she wanted us to try a new dessert. Fried Ice Cream (except it's not really fried)  We loved it!  And will definitely be making it again!
 Happy Birthday (again :o)  my Beth!  It was so much fun celebrating with you!


  1. I LOVE how everyone gets involved at your house. That photo of Beth getting her toenails done while relaxing is so cute!

  2. Looks like she had a great day!! Such special memories!

  3. Such a sweet day!! She sure did get pampered. :) That cake recipe sounds so yummy. I'm trying it!

  4. Wow!!! Great birthday Day Elisabeth. And you deserve to have a special day. Sorry our gift didn't arrive in time but now you can have another birthday party. :-)
    Love the photo of you getting your manicure and enjoying your book, tea and m&m's. Looks like Callie was wanting you to share. haha

  5. And I remember when you and I went to lunch together and had Fried Ice Cream for desert. That was so much fun. Can't wait to do it again.
