
Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy 11 Months Micah Reuben!

 As I took Micah's "11 Month Old" pictures on his quilt tonight, I realized we only have one more photo shoot on his blanket like this.  12 months is up next.  It wasn't supposed to go this fast.

 Micah is still my happy baby.  He loves to smile, laugh, and play.

 He consistently sleeps 8pm-6am.  Whew!  It feels good to get a good night's rest!  He also has a morning nap that he's trying to grow out of, and a good afternoon nap.

 He's a great eater and loves just about anything.  Especially crackers!

This month Patrick has snuck him a couple cups of chocolate milk.  He loved it.  sniff sniff.  I'm not ready to wean my baby.

 He loves to play, "Where's Micah?"  It's so cute how he covers his ears instead of his eyes.  Such a cutie!

Love those eyes! They still have that dark blue that he was born with, but you can see the chocolate brown creeping in.  I love it!

 Mom, you wanted a good one of his teeth!  He has 6 of them and they are so adorable!

He is doing so well walking and takes 4, 5,  and 6 steps at a time.  He loves to walk around.  He giggles and he's getting so fast.  He's very proud of himself.

Oh Micah, you're growing up too fast on me.  I'm loving watching you grow and learn new things.  I love how you clap your hands together when you sit in your highchair to say you are ready to pray.  I love how you always want to hug me after we pray.  I love how you hug me when I sing goodnight to suck your thumb, and with your other hand you hug my neck and play with my hair.  I love how you smile at me with your eyes.  I love being your Momma.


  1. He's adorable! And Micah is such a good name! haha They grow up so fast; it's very sad!

  2. Aw, he's so cute and these are great photos for your family to view.

  3. Happy 11 months Micah!!! You're growing up to fast. Can't wait to see you and celebrate your birthday!!! A little late but that is ok.
    Love your smiles and teeth photo and love that dimple. You are so so cute. Can't wait to play peek a boo with you.

  4. Such a handsome and happy boy! He is getting so big! Almost as long as his quilt! Why do babies grow so fast?!

  5. Oh, he's so cute! I love the poses that you got.

  6. Cutie patootie! For his 12-month photo he will probably be long enough to touch each end of his quilt, from head to toe!
