
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Pretzel and Movie Quiz Family Fun Night

We really look forward to our Friday Nights together!  It's fun to plan during the week, and by the time school is done on Friday, the excitement just seems to build!  

Last Friday the girls and I made Pretzels to go with our dinner!  So yummy and fun!  We had a honey mustard dip and a cheese dip.  My favorite was the cheese!

 I love my time in the kitchen with my girls.  I told them that it has gotten to the point where I don't know how to cook without them in there helping me!  And when we cook together there is usually lots of giggling and singing.

I love how my three younger ones pick up on our excitement.  
 Callie loves to eat anything that she can "dip"
Then for our fun thing to do we had a movie/quiz night.  We watched the first 45 minutes of one of our favorite movies.  We chose Facing the Giants.  While the family was watching, I was taking notes.  I wrote down crazy questions like, "What color is the  bathroom wallpaper in the Taylor's home" and "What color was Bobby Lee Duke's Lollipop in the commercial?"  I couldn't believe how many they got right!  It was tons of fun!


  1. looks yummy and I like the idea about movie questions.

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