
Sunday, April 7, 2013

A Shipment of Blessing

Not too long ago we received a great shipment from the boat....
 We have quickly ran out of our Gospel baggies (French John and Romans, Invitation to church, and a gospel tract).  Our amazing home church (Winkler Road Baptist Church) sent us enough supplies to be able to have a Gospel baggie to every home.  Yay!  We are so excited to keep spreading God's Word!  We also had our Betty Lukens Flannel Board sent.  The girls were so excited to get this in.  They are excellent Sunday School Teachers!
 And, of course, when our families heard that there was a shipment coming our way, they added a fun box to it.  Yay for fun stuff!
 Callie is like most children....the box is the best part! :o)


  1. What a great post!!! I want you to know that we are praying for you and your family. Pastor Strange this morning lifted you up in prayer and asked for us to pray for you all. Our youngest son, Morgan turns 16 on Tuesday and Jordan turns 17 on Friday. They both said that they miss your children in Youth Group. Morgan told me to say hello to Elisabeth and Josh. I hope you had fun at this year's "Bucket Race." My friend, Captain Bob, said he would love to race that race some year.

  2. Looks like God is at work and still on the thrown! I always love seeing pictures of your children. I am having some health issues right now as well say a prayer for me and I will continue to pray for you Kami.
