
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Still Waiting...

Warm Baths
Naps on the Couch
Hot Tea
More Warm Baths
Ice Packs
More naps on the couch....
This is pretty much what I've done since I arrived in Florida last Thursday.  Usually when I make a visit to my hometown we shop, eat out, visit with as many people as possible, enjoy being at my home church. None of that has happened this time.  I have slept enough to last me a month and the pressure in my chest is still as strong as ever.

It was a hard decision trying to figure out whether I needed to come back to Florida, but when my doctor told me he wouldn't be back from France until May 10th, we knew I needed to come back.  We had done everything we could to figure out this problem and still didn't have any answers.

 My parents have been amazing and have waited on me nonstop.  Micah has loved all of the attention, that's for sure!
As for now, we're waiting on more bloodwork to return from the doctor.  He hopes to have it back by Friday.  The good news is that some of the bloodwork has already returned and my ESRs have gone down. (these were the numbers that had the doctor concerned)
Pray for us and the doctors to have wisdom.  I need to get back to my precious family.  But, I sure would like an answer to why I'm having this pressure and pain in my chest and neck that doesn't seem to want to go away.
Your prayers for me and sweet notes have been such an encouragement to me and to my family. Thank you!
I'm so thankful that my God is the Great Physician!


  1. Just said a prayer for you! I hope the doctors get to the bottom of this very soon so you can get feeling better!!

    Love in Christ,

  2. Praising God with you that your ESRs have gone down. I pray for answers for you soon and wisdom for your doctors and strength and comfort for you and your family while you wait. I pray that God would fully heal you from this affliction. Hugs. xx

  3. Thank you sooooooooo much for updating!!!! Praying for you!!!

  4. I'm praying for you too, Kami. I know it has to be hard to be away from your family . . . hard for them too, but I pray that God will let dr.'s there get it all figured out.
