
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Diagnosis? Maybe.

Today was my appointment at the Rheumatologist here in St. Barths.  Several doctors mentioned that it might be beneficial for me to see one, but the only available appointments in the states were in July.  Patrick was so excited to find a Rheumatologist for me here!

The doctor was very thorough and looked over all of my blood work and x rays.  She showed me a blood test that I had done that confirms me to be negative for Lupus.  That was a relief!  We have heard a few doctors mention the possibility of a Connective Tissue Disease.  This doctor confirmed that and put a finger on it: Rheumatoid Arthritis.  She was a little puzzled that it didn't start in my hands, like most people first discover or that I don't wake up "stiff"  But, as one doctor told me, "You just don't fit in any mold."  I'm still taking that as a compliment! :o)  I guess my body wants it  to start in my chest.

So what happens next?  Tomorrow I go for more blood work to check on how the inflammation levels in my body are doing.  Then, I will start another round of a more powerful Prednisone along with some other medicines that will help my body to respond to the Prednisone.  (last time I didn't) Then, I go back to the Rheumatologist on the 21st to see if this is working.

We are praying that we are on the right track to finding out what is going on with my body.  I'm so thankful I have more energy!  I love taking care of my family!  I'm just so ready to have this crazy pressure in my chest let up.

Thank you so much to everyone that has prayed, sent encouraging notes and emails and have loved on us.  We are so blessed!


  1. Glad that you know what might be wrong with you. Prayers are being said. Good luck in your next appointment.

  2. Glad to know they may finally be getting to a diagnosis. While having a disease is never fun, somehow it helps to know what it is! May God continue to help you and give more energy.

  3. The diagnosis may have taken awhile and the healing may take awhile yet, but just remember what we learn in John Chapter 11. Jesus is never late. He is always, always, always right on time to glorify the Father to the greatest extent. Help is on the way, many prayers have gone up and will continue to go up; Jesus is NEVER late.

  4. Still praying. Thank you for the update. Such a blessing to possibly have a diagnosis.

  5. Will continue to pray. Glad to hear that you are feeling a little better and that you may have found out what is wrong.
