
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Blessings in the midst of storms

In my last post I mentioned the powerful, life-changing word 'Trust'  When times come that you just don't understand, you have to Trust that our Heavenly Father knows best.  I also have learned that in the midst of storms in your life, God brings special blessings, too.  My family has been like that for me...a special blessing from the Lord.   My family has prayed for me, cared for me, and showered Micah with more attention than he knows what to do with.  God has blessed me with amazing parents, sisters, mother-in-law, brother-in-laws, nieces, nephews....

I've also learned that good-byes are still hard.  

Guys, you've been amazing.  Patrick had a hard time sending me far from him where he couldn't take care of me.  But, he knew you all would be there with open arms, ready to help in whatever way you could.  You have know idea what that has meant to us.  I'm truly blessed and love you all so much!

Tomorrow I leave from Tampa.  I have a quick stop in San Juan and then St. Martin.  Then, I will be in the loving arms of my dear 6 that I have missed so much.  I can't wait to see you all!!!


  1. I was reading this post with my own little Micah in my lap and every time he saw your little one he said, "That's Micah." Of course, he thought it was himself, but funny thing is... he was right! :-)

  2. It is such a blessing to have so many loving family members! God has been good to you. I'm sure there will be many smiles, tears of joy, and hugs in your happy reunion. God bless all of you and continue to heal you. Hugs. xx
