
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Yard Work Day!

We've been so blessed to have some rain the past couple of weeks.  We even had a couple of thunderstorms!  I love a good thunderstorm!  So, what does all this rain mean?  For one, laundry that is piling up in our basket since we can't hang it on the line to dry.  (we've had to string line in a couple of rooms so we can at least have a couple loads done a day.)  and it also means that everything is turning green!  So gorgeous!  Patrick declared this past Monday as
  Yard Work Day!
 Love my sweet Callie.  Always such a cutie pie!  And a big helper, too!
 And the chickens got a good clean coop.

 St. Barths has some gorgeous flowers!  What a beautiful place.  I love how my kiddos all pitch in and help.  It's true that many hands do make light work!  And fun, too!
Micah was just so excited to be able to put on his new shoes again.  Several times a day he brings me his shoes. I think that's a hint that he likes to play outside!

So, the yard is looking good, flowers are blooming, trees are trimmed....It's almost time for company!


  1. Wow! You have a great big yard and a very nice one too! Good thing you have so many hands on deck to make light work. God bless. Hugs. xx

  2. Yard work days with the family are so much fun! It is so beautiful there! I love all your pictures. Callie and Ruthie would get along so well together! I was thinking of Micah the other day when Leah went to the shoe closet and brought out Hannah's flip-flops :)... I really should put Leah's shoes in the closet too.
    Praying for you dear, Friend!

  3. The yard looks great. Can't wait to play in it with everyone. We've got lots planned but quiet times too.
