
Monday, July 8, 2013

Just Like the Lord~My 4th

When I realized I was going to be missing Josh's birthday, it was a sad moment.  Then, my anniversary.  I told my Mom (at the time it was jokingly because I didn't  think I would be here) that if I'm here on the 4th of July, I want to have a party and watch fireworks.  Well...the 4th came, and I was still in Florida.  Don't get me wrong, I love seeing my Mom, Dad, Mother-in-law, Sisters, Brother-in-laws, Nieces, and Nephews, but I miss my family terribly.  

 We started off the day with my sister's family (Tabitha) coming over.  She has introduced me to a new game that I think my family will love.  It's called Settlers of Catan.  Anyone ever played it?  It's a lot of fun!  Although I haven't won yet.  Rematch Dillehays? I just noticed Ty with my Mom's glasses.  He makes me laugh!

 And they brought my FAVORITE cookie!  I can't get enough of these and usually eat so many until I'm sick.  They're the best!

 Then, two of Micah's cousins talked him into playing in the newly filled ditch.  Or maybe it was the other way around! :o)  We've had a lot of rain around here lately!
 Then, my sister's family (Keela) and Patrick's brother Marc came for our BBQ.  Food was excellent as usual!  We had grilled hot dogs and hamburgers.  Perfect 4th meal!

 Micah enjoyed his American 4th of July.  What a cutie he is!
By that evening I started feeling worse.  Sometimes the pressure goes into my head and behind my cheekbone and eye.  I wanted to go see the huge fireworks display that Fort Myers puts out, but I knew I just didn't feel up to it. I canceled with my Mom and told her I just needed to take a nice bath and head to bed.  After I got out of the tub, I couldn't find my parents.  I finally spotted them on the front porch.  They were so excited!  Some of their neighbors had spent a bunch of money and had a fireworks display that was amazing.  I sat there, in  my jammies and robe, watching it all from their porch.  And I realized then, that's just like the Lord!  He loves me and put those beautiful fireworks up in the sky just for me.  Because he knew I would enjoy it, and praise Him for it!


  1. Praying for you, sweet Kami. Loved all of the photos and seeing your warm smile.

  2. It looks like your family had a wonderful 4th of July. It is so like to the Lord to care for every little thing, isn't it? He even cares about the beautiful fireworks prepared just for you. How awesome. Hugs. xx

  3. We had a great time! Praise the Lord for the fireworks....right in front of our porch. :-)

  4. I'm pretty sure I DID eat so many of those cookies until I was sick once...and now I just can't anymore. Haha. What a fun time.

  5. You seem to have the same symptoms my sister had. It was 3 yrs od torture for her until finally a Dr. said we'll test for Lyme disease & Rocky mnt spotted fever. And it was positive. After many rounds of anibiotics she is finally on the road to recovery.

  6. Praying for you. Hope you are much better soon.
