
Monday, July 22, 2013

My Day at Mayo Clinic

I arrived at Mayo Clinic this morning around 8:30.  From the moment I stepped inside the doors, I hit the ground running.  (Well, not really, but I was super busy!) The Internal Medicine doctor was not in a rush.  He took his time listening to all of my history and was very patient. 

As for answers?  Not yet. But they're working on it.

I had 11 appointments today and two more for tomorrow.  I've seen specialists, had labs, xrays, tests...whew!   They will get all of my results in and we will discuss things on Wednesday.  They work quick!

Thank you, Thank you for everyone for you prayers.  God is working!


  1. 11 appointments in one day?!! Wow! That is a lot and I think a record. I'm so glad that they are being so comprehensive from the "get go" and continue to pray for all your needs. God bless. xx

  2. Hi! Found you through Baptist Missionary Wives blog. Wonderful to see your family-friendly pages! I am praying for your health need, that something will be found out--the RIGHT diagnosis--and that God will be glorified. God bless you!

  3. Been praying for you! Thanks for linking up at the BMW blog!
