
Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Next Step

Well, it's been a little while since I've posted.  I guess it's because there hasn't been a whole lot of news.  There's been a lot of waiting, waiting, waiting.  
So far all of my results have come back negative.  I know that is good, but still not having an answer is pretty difficult at times. 
 The next step is waiting for my appointment with the Infectious Disease Doctor.  The problem is that the appt. isn't until August 8th.  Whoa!  That's too far away!  I'm on a waiting list, but there is still no word.

  Patrick and I began praying about what to do.  I don't want to be gone from them any longer, but we both feel I need to stay until we have figured out what is going on.  In the midst of praying, I decided to call Mayo Clinic again to see if there are any cancellations.  My appt. there is for the 21st of August.  Well, I have called many times over the past couple of months and there has never been an earlier appointment available.   But, while we were praying, asking God to direct our paths, an appointment became available at Mayo Clinic for this Monday! Wow!  I have loved everyone at Cleveland Clinic.  I cannot say enough good things about them.  But, we feel the Lord is truly leading us to try Mayo.  

So, on Sunday, Mom and I (and of course baby Micah) will head to Jacksonville for my appointments at the Mayo Clinic. 

In the meantime, Micah is being spoiled!  Here's just a few pics from the past couple of weeks.

 Micah visiting Grandpa's Carlot.

 A trip to Fort Myers Beach.  Now, I know we live in a tropical paradise.  Our beaches in St. Barths are breathtakingly beautiful.  They are amazing.  But, I also love our Fort Myers Beach.  So many memories of growing up here!  Patrick and I have taken a few romantic walks along this sand :o)

 Micah is loving his cousin time!

 Lots of giggles going on here.  Micah seems to make his cousins laugh a lot!

 It was so sweet of Micah.  Last Monday my Mom didn't feel very well. She needed to take a mid-morning nap which is very rare for her.  Micah knew something was different about his Grandma.  Shortly after she laid down, I found Micah standing by her bed, holding her blanket and sucking his thumb.  He just wanted to be near his Grandma!
 My Dad loves to take Micah on walks before Micah has to go to bed.  Or is it Micah taking my Dad out?  Because he sure does seem to be the one leading the way!

So, it's off to Mayo I go!  Thank you everyone for praying.  I have some not so good days, and some okay days.  The pain is still there and new symptoms have developed.  Some days I'm so achey and so tired.  Mom has been the best nurse for me.  She takes great care of me!

One day soon I will be well and be back with my family.  Oh how I miss them!

  Each day the Lord gives me encouragement from His Word.  It's always exactly what I need.  I've been doing a lot of thinking and reading about storms, but that is another post.  The verse I read a few days ago made me call Patrick excited to read it to him.  It just blessed me!

Deuteronomy 23:5  "but the LORD thy God turned the curse into a blessing unto thee, because the LORD thy God loved thee." 

 I know the Lord can take this situation in our lives, and turn it into something that we would never trade for.  We're trusting that "all things work together for good" and seeing the last part of this verse!  I love it!  Seeing that the Lord loves me, and knowing that He is doing this for my good and for His glory is exactly what I needed to hear!


  1. Glad to hear that you got an earlier appointment! Praying answers come soon! When we see threads, He sees the tapestry! I know He has a beautiful reason for allowing this season in your life. You are such a testimony for Him!

  2. Good luck to you with the next step. I have been reading your blog for a bit now and have been feeling your pain. The lymes test must have been negative too? I pray for you and your family during this time of separation and duress. Thank goodness for the support that you have with your family at home and in Florida. Your girls are taking after their mother in caring for the home front with the Daddy's guidance. Such a blessing for you to be able to put your mind at ease in some small measure.

  3. I love that verse "all things work together for good". It gives much hope in the midst of anything we are going through. I'm glad you hold on to that verse at this time your life. Prayers continue. Hugs. xxx

  4. This page sounds alot like you you may ask your doctors about this.
    I am making an appointment soon. Right now I am trying to find a doctor that won't be too far to drive to and in a lot of traffic.
