
Monday, August 12, 2013

A Decision

I mentioned last post that I would share a special decision with you that was made at the Youth Conference.  Well, my Josh has been praying and praying about what to do after High School.  He starts his Senior year this year, so the time is coming!  We have told him that we will be there to direct and guide him, but the decision will be his.  If he can look us in the eye and say, "I know this is God's Will for my life" we will support and back him completely!

Josh didn't want to just make this a fleeting decision.  He wanted to know that he knows it's God will.  There have been times that he has woken in the middle of the night to pray about this specific thing.  He's been setting his alarm just a little bit earlier than anyone else, so he could have time alone (undistracted) to pray.  He was leaning towards either going to Hyles Anderson, Golden State or staying home one more year and doing correspondance.  Those were the 3 he was seriously considering.

  After sincerely praying this past year, researching, and seeking Godly counsel he knows that God would have him study at Golden State Baptist College in Santa Clara, California.  Wait a second....California??? That's not exactly a neighboring island to St. Barths!  Oh how this Momma's heart is missing her boy already!  But, I am thrilled the place God is leading him to. When Patrick and I took our teenagers from the youth group there before we surrendered to the mission field, we loved the place.  We knew if it were us as teenagers, we would go there!  So, we are happy for him.

And I feel like I'm on the clock.  One more school year of me teaching him at home. I'm so proud of the man he is becoming, but he is still my baby.  And I know he always will be.


  1. Aw, such a heart rendering choice for his parents but so nice to know that Josh has clearly sought the Lord for direction in his life.

  2. Great college, and a great preacher, Pastor Trieber. I am thrilled that he will be going there. Maybe he will be there when we go there on furlough. They support our family!

  3. I know exactly how you feel Kami. It's hard when your babies start leaving home! So glad he's been praying about what to do. He's grown up to be a fine young man and it all happened way to fast. And poor Patrick, everytime it's mentioned he has tears in his eyes. haha :-) At least he'll be closer to us when he has holiday vacations. :-)

  4. Yay for Josh and yay for Golden State! What a great combination! We SO look forward to having him here!!!

  5. I hope Josh enjoys G.S.B.C. as much as I did all those years ago. I am so thankful for the things I learned during my time there as a student.
