
Monday, August 26, 2013

Off we go again

This week has not been the greatest as far as how I've felt.  My husband has been so sweet.  He knows that Hot Pink Daisies brighten every girls day!
 And I asked Mam-maw to make me a pot of her Vegetable Soup.  It is so good!  I had 3 bowls for lunch!  (Did I just admit that? :o)  Unfortunately my Mam-maw must head back to her Michigan home.  She has been such a blessing to my family while she's been here!
This morning I head to Mayo again.  My doctor has ordered 5 more tests.  With as many things as we've eliminated, we've got to be getting closer to a diagnosis!  And when we do....I'm getting the Mayo t-shirt!

1 comment:

  1. Wondering if this may be of some interest to you at this time. Not insinuating anything but maybe helpful? May God give the doctors wisdom to find a cause and a cure and grant you healing! Casting all your cares upon Him for He careth for you. 1 Peter 5:7
