
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

School Supply Shopping and a Breakdown

Well, the plan wasn't exactly to start school here in Florida.  But, since we are still here and August is coming to a close, we knew it was time to start!  So, last night we took the children school supply shopping.  (If you are noticing the surroundings look a little bit different, you're right!  Yesterday we moved into our home church's Prophet's Chamber.  It is wonderful!)
 I love seeing their individual styles and what they pick!

 Then, as usual, Joshua went through the box and passed out the PACES to all the students.  We've used ACE for several years now and we really love it!

Then, it hit me.  We've been going school supply shopping for years now.  We then let kiddos take turns picking out their pencils and highlighters.  (Josh always picks the yellow highlighter, Elisabeth the pink, and Brenna the green)  Then, we passed out the paces and counted to make sure they were all there.  We ooohed and ahhed over all the new stuff.  And it hit me.  This is the last year, with all 3 of my oldest to do this.  This is Joshua's last first day of school.   I tried to smile and be excited, but the tears started flowing.  Of course, my Joshua saw me and came and put his arm around me.
  How can you miss someone already and they are right next to you?
 I cried for a bit.  (Oh the joys of emotional motherhood!)  and when I looked up, there were tears in the eyes and on the cheeks of everyone else's.  We just had us a good old cry!
 Then, we were back to business...And I watched my 3 highschoolers.  And I wished time to stop for just a little bit.  But, since it couldn't, I just enjoyed the moment and the memory to be so blessed to be their Momma.


  1. Aw, what a sweet post but I think only a mother would truly understand. So glad that you have all 3 kiddos with you this year. Hugs. xx

  2. I'm at work and when I read this the hot tears flowed so I had to quickly collect myself. I only have one 12 yo "baby" so I just try to enjoy everyday because I know how time flies. God bless.
