
Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Micah's First Haircut

Well, it had been getting long. And we had waited longer than we did with our other 2 boys.  It was finally time for
Micah's First Haircut!
 First, we let him watch while Silas had his haircut. 
 Silas really doesn't mind getting his haircut.  You just can't tell it by this picture!
Then, it was Micah's turn!  He stayed so still!  He whimpered a little bit.  I think the noise of the cutter concerned him, but he did fabulous!  ( Do you see the bruise on his forehead?  He learning how to climb in and out of chairs. He still has more work to do on the climbing out part.  Scary for this Momma!)
 Some pieces were actually a few inches long!  Patrick got a little nostalgic with his baby fine hair.
 But, it turned out great!
I love boys with short haircuts!  What a cutie pie!!

1 comment:

  1. Such cute boys. Hair cuts seem to be so traumatic for little boys and girls. It looks like your little one was a trooper through it all ;-)
