
Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Have you praised Him for it?

This morning during our family devotions we were talking about the amazing verse in Jeremiah 33:3.  It's one of our favorites!

  Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.  
As we were talking about the idea of calling unto God, Patrick mentioned that we need to keep asking and keep asking for the Lord to answer our prayers.  Sometimes He says 'Yes'  sometimes 'No' and sometimes 'Wait'.  We've been in the wait mode for a little while. 
Then he mentioned that the Bible also says that we should count it all joy when times of testing and trial come.  We should rejoice and praise the Lord for the trials He brings along our way.  An easy thing to do?  No.  Especially when you don't see the end of your trial and you don't always understand.
  But, that's where faith comes in.  Do we really have faith enough to say 'Thank you Lord' through our difficult times?  You can praise Him for the difficulties when you know that your tomorrows are in His hands.  Keep crying unto Him!  He will answer you and show you wonderful things!   But, while you're in the midst of your difficulty, Praise Him for it.  Praise Him for keeping His hand on you and for His precious presence.
Lord, I praise you for it!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, we must always give thanks and praise to the Lord. As you know from most recent personal experience, this can be a very testing time. But it is so true that if we trust in him for tomorrow that can bring a great deal of peace. God bless you. You area ll still in my thoughts and prayers.
