
Sunday, November 3, 2013

32 Years Ago

It was 32 years ago that I made the best decision of my life.  I accepted Christ as my Savior!  I'm so thankful for that day, for my Mom that faithfully brought me to church every time the doors were opened, for a church that preached the gospel, and for this dear lady...

Mrs. Grace

She was God's faithful servant ready to give her evening to be a worker at a children's activity.  She's the one who opened God's Word and shared with me the Good News.

I'm so happy I was able to see her.  As I walked in her office, I reached to hugged her.  As I was getting ready to ask her, "Do you know what happened 32 years ago today?"  She said, "Happy Birthday Sweetheart"  She remembered!  I had to have my Callie Grace in this picture since she's named after Mrs. Grace.

 Praise God for that day!


  1. What a wonderful testimony and how lovely for you to see Mrs. Grace again.

  2. Praise God for Mrs. Grace. She is a faithful servant at Winkler Road Baptist Church and we all love her dearly.
    Praise God for the best decision you've ever made Kami. Love you so much.

  3. No doubt she made your day 32 years ago, but YOU certainly made HER day this year!!! :-)
