
Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A moment forever etched in my mind

Have you ever had one of those moments where everything slows down, life becomes more fragile than ever and your heart cries out to God out of desperation?  I had one of those moments last Friday.
I had been invited to a friend's house to get together with some other ladies for a little girl time.  My Mom had volunteered to watch my 5 (Josh was still in St. Barths with Patrick) and we were all excited about our plans for the night.  I got to my Mom's house a little early to visit for 5 minutes.  As we talked, the kids played.  Callie was on my Mom's rug in the living room with a rubber ball.  It was the kind that's a little bigger than a basketball.

I have no idea what happened, but I heard her cry out.  I thought, "Oh no, that sounds like an 'I'm hurt' cry"  I figured she had busted her lip or bumped her head.  When I got to her, she was completely limp, yet her muscles  were tight.  Hard to describe.  Her eyes were extremely wide open, but she didn't look there and her eyes were rolling to the side.  I called out her name and laid her flat on the floor. At this point we all knew it was an emergency.  I hollered out for my Mom to call 911.  The girls were screaming.  Callie just laid there.  I thought the worst.  It was the scariest moment of my life. Her lips and chin were turning a gray/blue color.  Mom was receiving instructions from the operator and an ambulance was on its way.  I told the girls to go pray as I kept trying to get Callie to "wake up."  Then , she started to focus on me and come out of it.  I tried keeping her focused on me.  Then, she started to go out again.  Then, she would focus on me and she started sweating.  Then, she began to talk.  She seemed so weak.  By the time the ambulance arrived she was doing much better.  They looked her over, and said they could take her to the ER, or it might be better for her to see her Pediatrician in the morning.  Since she was stable, and doing wonderfully, I decided to wait for the next day.  They gave me things to watch for, and I watched...all through the night, with my girl in my arms.

The next day the doctor told me that she believes Callie had a seizure.  There were no bumps or bruises on her head and the way her arms went during all of this was very seizure-like.  So, my little Miss Callie Grace has a couple of tests coming up. Please pray for my girl and for her doctors to have wisdom.

Praise the Lord she is doing wonderfully now!  Later on Friday night she told me that she could hear me, but not see me.  Then when she did see me, I was moving funny.  She must have been dizzy.

I'll so thankful for my baby girl.  She has her bed beside mine for now.  I'm so thankful she's doing better. Life sure is precious.


  1. One of our children had a minor seizure as a toddler. She went limp for about 15 seconds with her eyes rolled back and not aware of surroundings, followed by 5 seconds that she had the muscle control back but still unaware. And then 5-10 seconds of whimpering. Then the relatively normal post-seizure period of sleepiness for 10 minutes or so, with quiet smiles when we made faces at her or tickled her. She seemed completely normal after that. She never had another seizure after that and is now 6 years old. I pray Callie's was just a one-time thing as well, and for God to give you peace and the doctors wisdom.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Praying for her and for you. Life is precious and so fragile. Praying for a hedge of protection around your precious family.

  4. Praying that it was a one time thing! Keep us posted on how her tests. Sending you a big hug from afar.

  5. A scary situation for you. I know a young lady who suffered from seizures for years and used to fall off her bed every night while sleeping. She is now on medication and to the best of my knowledge has never suffered another seizure. I pray this is a one time occurrence for your little girl but if not, I pray it can be controlled. Big hugs. xx

  6. Oh, Kami. My heart aches for you. I love you so much! May God load you with grace and hold you in his arms. I will pray for Callie too . . . and still praying for you as well.

  7. Oh, how scary! I will be praying for her and continuing in prayer for you, sweet friend!

  8. Oh, poor little darling! And poor little mama! Our 9-year-old Nate had a serious seizure as a toddler. Turns out our house in Ukraine was poisoned with carbon monoxide and we were in a time bomb. Within hours, all of us were passing out and if it hadn't been for the Lord's intervention our entire family would have gone to Heaven together that day. I get so very choked up every time I think about it. Reading this story about Callie struck a very sensitive chord, and has me at full attention. I will be praying for you, Kami, and praying that the doctors can find out exactly what is wrong. You can rest assured that God will take care of you just like He took care of us. I have no doubt!

  9. So scary! I'm glad the doctor ordered tests for Callie. I know so many kids that have had one time seizures, especially in the toddler years and then were fine. For my daughter it didn't work that way. Her seizures started at around Callie's age and never left. But with medication she has lived a normal life. (As normal as a kid can be with us for I'm praying for all of you. Please let us know how your sweet Callie does. Love and hugs!!!
